I, Jessica Crawford, Collector within and for Newton County, Missouri, hereby give notice as provided in Section 140.170 of the Revised Statues of Missouri: that I shall offer for sale the hereinafter described lots and lands to discharge taxes, interest, and charges which may be due thereon in the State of Missouri, County of Newton, for delinquent taxes on real estate at or near the Newton County Courthouse, Neosho, Missouri, on the fourth Monday in August, the 26th day of August, 2024, commencing at ten o'clock a.m. of said day thereafter until all are offered for sale. Said lots and lands situated in Newton County, Missouri and described in forty acre tract or other legal subdivision, and the lots described by number, aggregate amount of taxes, penalty, interest, and cost each year separately states as follows except for lots and lands with an assessed value of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or less are posted in the courthouse:
2. All bidders must be a Missouri resident. If not a Missouri Resident, then an agent must be appointed. 3. Some properties could possibly contain hazardous waste. 4. Some properties may have improvements razed or may have been condemned. 5. Some properties could have liens against them. 6. Redemption period is One Year (1st and 2nd Offerings) from date of sale. 7. No interest will be paid on surplus over the tax amount. 8. Purchased property will receive a memorandum of bid today. 9. All other documents will be mailed.
TIME OF SALE: 10:00 A.M. |
The Newton County Collector does not make nor does he imply any guarantees regarding title, liens or encumbrances on any of the properties offered for sale.
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-3.0-07-000-000-008.000001-0000036-0000 | LIVINGSTON, NORMAN L. & CINDY M. | 7-24-29- 3.33 | 2023 | 265.22 |
2024 | 231.17 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 135' S NE COR SE1/4 NE1/4 S 334.02' W 449.37'N 329.7' E 435.6' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 496.39 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-3.0-07-000-000-008.001001-0000036-0025 | WESTPFAHL, JASON | 7-24-29- 3.35 | 2023 | 740.32 |
2024 | 642.84 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR SE1/4 NE1/4 W 770.14' N 6* E 198.62' E748.86' S 197.55' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1383.16 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-3.0-07-000-000-006.004001-0000042-0040 | HU, RAL & HNEM, FUNG | 7-24-29- 14.46 | 2023 | 3338.51 |
2024 | 2894.19 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 SE1/4 BEG E1/4 COR S 990' TO POB S 534.26' W 588.38' N 116.05' W 187.88' N 82* W 344.73' N 78* W 315.35' N 300.49' N 77* E 135.97' E 1319.73' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6232.70 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-3.0-08-000-000-001.001001-0000043-0025 | MOUA, VAMEE & HER C. HANG | 8-24-29- 26.50 | 2023 | 104.16 |
2024 | 91.60 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 N1/2 NE1/4 EX BEG SE COR W 699.98' N 688.54'E 393.47' N 5 *E 110' E 183.71 S 13*E 121.47' E 84.73' S 685.34' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 195.76 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-3.0-08-000-000-009.001001-0000048-0025 | KHENG, TIAL LING THANG BAWK & | 8-24-29- 8.47 | 2023 | 2099.61 |
2024 | 1820.68 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG NW COR E 956.77' S 67* E 7.73'S 44* E 356.14' S 58* E 112.34' S 459.23' W 544.80' N 715.70' N 76* W 58.03' W 610.36' S 73* W 115.0 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3920.29 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-3.0-08-000-000-008.001001-0000049-0025 | HU, RAL & HNEM, FUNG | 8-24-29- 3.81 | 2023 | 649.63 |
2024 | 564.26 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SW COR N 227.48' S 86* E 764.75' S 24* E 192.85' S 65* E 115.13' W 956.77' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1213.89 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-2.0-09-000-000-003.000001-0000055-0000 | HANG, HER & MOUA, VAMEE | 9-24-29- 39.24 | 2023 | 2299.09 |
2024 | 1993.52 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4292.61 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-4.0-17-000-000-003.002001-0000068-0030 | KHENG, TIAL LING THANG BAWK | 17-24-29- 10.83 | 2023 | 3170.98 |
2024 | 2749.02 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NW1/4 BEG SW COR N 624.90' S 39* E 45.63' S 66* E 16.90' S 77* E 108.08' E 276.99' N 27.58' E 160.99' S 93.93' E 294.58' S 502.89' W 884.52' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 5920.00 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-4.0-20-000-000-004.006001-0000085-0125 | BANKS, TYLER & VANESSA | 20-24-29- 1.03 | 2023 | 1351.17 |
2024 | 1172.14 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG SW COR E 351.77' TO POB N 9* E178.26' E 266' S 170.23' W 293.32' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2523.31 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-9.0-30-000-000-002.001001-0000106-0500 | VANSLYKE, REX & MAXINE | 30-24-29- 2.33 | 2023 | 49.53 |
2024 | 44.26 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 286' OF S 1036.46' OF W 375.5' SW1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 93.79 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 24-9.0-32-000-000-011.000001-0000139-0000 | BLANKENSHIP, JON T. & EASLEY, VIRGI | 32-24-29- 1.20 | 2023 | 1047.41 |
2024 | 908.91 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG S1/4 COR NE 95.7' NE 450.78' S397.98' W TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1956.32 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 23-1.0-02-000-000-004.001001-0000154-0025 | LEE, JAY T. | 2-24-30- 0.54 | 2023 | 347.92 |
2024 | 302.82 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SE COR W 182.47' N 153.51' E 181.67' S 163.08' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 650.74 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 23-3.0-08-000-000-009.000001-0000199-0000 | FARMER, ROBIN R. & SHERI L. | 8-24-30- 19.55 | 2023 | 1356.97 |
2024 | 1177.55 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 EX W 20 AC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2534.52 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 23-3.0-08-000-000-009.001001-0000199-0025 | FARMER, PRESTON | 8-24-30- 18.51 | 2023 | 34.67 |
2024 | 31.40 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 20 AC: S1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 EX S OF CREEK | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 66.07 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 23-5.0-15-000-000-006.002001-0000266-0075 | EPPERSON, DONALD WAYNE JR. & TENNY | 15-24-30- 1.76 | 2023 | 102.02 |
2024 | 89.75 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SW COR N 389.80' E 223.50' S 389.80' W 223.50' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 191.77 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 23-5.0-15-000-000-006.003001-0000266-0125 | EPPERSON, DONALD WAYNE JR. & TENNY | 15-24-30- 9.94 | 2023 | 1270.54 |
2024 | 1102.28 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG 223.50' E SW COR N 389.81' E 1091' S 389.86' W 1091.06' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2372.82 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 23-5.0-21-000-000-006.001001-0000328-0025 | JACOBS, NIKKI R. & KARL R. JR. | 21-24-30- 12.20 | 2023 | 1259.84 |
2024 | 130.90 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 SW1/4 BEG NE COR S 1317.98' W 363.22' N 4* W 1321.36' E 451.16' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1390.74 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 23-9.0-31-000-000-005.001001-0000412-0025 | HOUSE, TRACY | 31-24-30- 1.73 | 2023 | 49.31 |
2024 | 44.11 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 220' OF TRACT BEG SW COR S1/2 SEC 31 N 20 RODS E 84 RODS S 20 RODS W 84 RODS TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 93.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 22-2.0-10-000-000-014.000001-0000526-0000 | MITCHELL, NICHOLAS & NANCY J. ELMOR | 10-24-31- 3.30 | 2023 | 176.82 |
2024 | 154.50 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W1/2 NW1/4 SE1/4 LY S & W OF HWY EX RD RW | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 331.32 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 22-1.0-12-000-000-006.002001-0000553-0050 | REYNOLDS, AUSTIN | 12-24-31- 13.20 | 2023 | 215.01 |
2024 | 187.57 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 EX BEG NE COR S 820.06' W 263.29' N 30* W 260.72' N 28* E 448.72' N 10* E 218.48' E 139.73' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 402.58 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 22-9.0-30-000-000-003.001001-0000698-0025 | BOYT, ARTHUR DRAKE & VICKIE KAPP | 30-24-31- 4.92 | 2023 | 1253.62 |
2024 | 1088.60 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2342.22 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-3.0-08-000-000-003.001001-0000775-0025 | AUSTIN, THOMAS JOSEPH & LORA | 8-24-32- 7.73 | 2023 | 692.18 |
2024 | 601.59 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG NW COR E 1319.46' TO NE COR S 517.21' S 77* W 311.70' N 75* W 221.46' N 48* W 89.43' N 20* W 130.62' N 17* W 12.22' N 20* W 130.76' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1293.77 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-4.0-17-000-000-016.031001-0000805-0675 | THOMPSON, JONATHAN & JENESSA | 17-24-32- 1.13 | 2023 | 3339.00 |
2024 | 2896.60 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 1807.21' N & 756.16' W SE COR S 162.79' W 312' N 162.67' E 312' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6235.60 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-4.0-18-000-000-016.001001-0000817-0025 | WORSTER, KIMBERLY | 18-24-32- 3.92 | 2023 | 26.44 |
2024 | 24.27 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT SE1/4 SE1/4 BEG 35 RDS N OF SE1/4 COR SE1/4 SE1/4 N 10RDS W 80RDS ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 50.71 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-4.0-18-000-000-016.002001-0000817-0050 | WORSTER, KIMBERLY | 18-24-32- 0.70 | 2023 | 586.50 |
2024 | 509.96 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 SE1/4 BEG 35 RODS N SE COR W 205' N 185'E 205' S 185' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1096.46 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-4.0-18-000-000-001.003001-0000829-0075 | CONNER, JUSTIN & JIM & RUTH | 18-24-32- 5.78 | 2023 | 754.13 |
2024 | 655.32 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG NE COR W 746.99' TO POB S 6* E60.65' S 69* E 113.63' S 788.69' W 302.15' N 2* W276.69' N 213.82' N 3* E 399.20' E 179.75' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1409.45 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-4.0-19-000-000-015.000001-0000850-0000 | TRESSEL, JESSICA LEE | 19-24-32- 4.96 | 2023 | 777.17 |
2024 | 675.30 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 330' N1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1452.47 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-6.0-24-000-000-001.007001-0000881-0160 | LILYPAD ACADEMY, LLC | 24-24-32- 0.55 | 2023 | 101.89 |
2024 | 89.71 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG NE COR W 418.69' S 45.51' TO POB E 120' S 200' W 120' N 200' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 191.60 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-6.0-24-000-000-001.008001-0000881-0170 | LILYPAD ACADEMY, LLC | 24-24-32- 0.82 | 2023 | 4457.23 |
2024 | 3866.19 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG NE 1/4 COR W 418.69' S 49.51' TO POB S 357.25' W 100' N 357.25' E TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 8323.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-29-000-000-026.000001-0000907-0000 | HART, DYLAN & ASHTON | 29-24-32- 10.16 | 2023 | 2358.49 |
2024 | 2478.20 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 359.85' E1/2 NE1/4 SW1/4 & N 359.85' NW1/4 SE1/4 LY W OF HWY | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4836.69 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-30-000-000-011.003001-0000945-0030 | BRADFORD, KATHY | 30-24-32- 1.37 | 2023 | 158.12 |
2024 | 138.47 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 S1/2 SE1/4 BEG NE COR S 525' E TO SE COR N TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 296.59 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-31-000-000-021.002001-0000951-0050 | PHILLIPS, KENNETH D. & AMANDA M. | 31-24-32- 3.81 | 2023 | 1088.10 |
2024 | 945.04 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 15' OF E 400' N1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 & S 400' E 400' S1/2 SE1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2033.14 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-31-000-000-011.000001-0000960-0000 | BICKFORD, MELVIN & ETAL | 31-24-32- 2.35 | 2023 | 272.11 |
2024 | 336.91 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SW COR N 416' E 258' S 416' W 258' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 609.02 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-31-000-000-018.000001-0000965-0000 | ARNETT, DEVON & LEXI | 31-24-32- 1.51 | 2023 | 178.45 |
2024 | 156.12 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT S1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 BEG 30' W SE COR W 307.64' N 141.6' E 153.82' N 141.6' E 153.82' S 283.2' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 334.57 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-32-000-000-027.000001-0000970-0000 | MOORE, MARTIN W. | 32-24-32- 9.77 | 2023 | 727.37 |
2024 | 632.18 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NE1/4 BEG 482' W SE COR N 1320' E 330' S1320' W 330' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1359.55 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-32-000-000-007.000001-0000977-0000 | HAYS, STEVEN A. & ELIZABETH A. | 32-24-32- 2.00 | 2023 | 415.02 |
2024 | 361.28 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 305.4' OF W 300' NE1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 776.30 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-32-000-000-009.000001-0000983-0000 | PROCTOR, WALTER WILLIAM | 32-24-32- 1.40 | 2023 | 843.69 |
2024 | 733.06 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 20 RDS NW1/4 NW1/4 E OF HWY EX E 264' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1576.75 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-32-000-000-040.000001-0000992-0000 | EDWARDS, LARRY E. & DIANA L. | 32-24-32- 19.87 | 2023 | 1357.46 |
2024 | 1178.66 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 SE1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2536.12 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-9.0-32-000-000-054.000001-0001003-0000 | PRINGLE, SHELBY & COTY | 32-24-32- 5.70 | 2023 | 852.28 |
2024 | 740.51 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG 1020' S NE COR S 302' W 862' NE TO W OF POB E TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1592.79 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-8.0-33-000-000-005.001001-0001024-0500 | TOMLINSON, JAMES K. & BARBIE A. | 33-24-32- 23.60 | 2023 | 678.96 |
2024 | 590.19 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S 899.74' NW1/4 SW1/4 LY W RR & N 440' SW1/4 SW1/4 LY W OF RR | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1269.15 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-7.0-35-000-000-002.001001-0001029-0075 | WEBB, SCOTT R. & JENNIFER R. | 35-24-32- 2.03 | 2023 | 1355.16 |
2024 | 157.46 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W 3/8 NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG SE COR W 131.13' N 364.12' N 52* W 32.30' N 34* W 55.08' N 24* W 104.59' N71* E 243.37' S 600.72' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1512.62 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 21-7.0-35-000-000-002.000001-0001029-0500 | RUARK, WILLIAM RAY & DONNA J. | 35-24-32- 13.02 | 2023 | 153.47 |
2024 | 134.45 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W3/8 NE1/4 NE1/4 EX BEG SE COR W 131.13' N 364.12' N 52* W 32.30' N 34* W 55.08' N 24* W 104.59' N 71* E 243.37' S 600.72' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 287.92 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-3.0-07-000-000-006.008001-0001080-0140 | BOYER, BRIAN O. | 7-24-33- 1.10 | 2023 | 396.73 |
2024 | 347.48 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG INTERS HWY & S1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 W 378.21' TO POB N 301.50' W 159' S 301.5' E 159' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 744.21 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-3.0-07-000-000-018.000001-0001102-0000 | SPARLIN, JERRY | 7-24-33- 18.69 | 2023 | 636.35 |
2024 | 556.60 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 20A SW1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1192.95 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-3.0-07-000-000-023.005001-0001112-0125 | SHAFFER, MELISSA | 7-24-33- 1.35 | 2023 | 1004.77 |
2024 | 878.37 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 552.92' E SW COR NE1/4 SE1/4 N 320' E 184.20'S 320' W 184.20' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1883.14 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-3.0-07-000-000-042.000001-0001117-0000 | SPARLIN, JERRY L. & CORAZON C. | 7-24-33- 43.48 | 2023 | 66.05 |
2024 | 58.91 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SE1/4 & E 231' E1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 124.96 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-2.0-09-000-000-003.001001-0001141-0025 | DOWELL, THOMAS L. JR. & DEANNA J. | 9-24-33- 6.81 | 2023 | 1774.29 |
2024 | 1550.10 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG N1/4 COR S 258.89' N 78* E 504.09' S 104.13' TO POB E 489.40' S 675.37' N 76* W 506.53' N 74* W 506.53' N 565.88' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3324.39 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-2.0-10-000-000-008.008001-0001159-0025 | DAVIDSON, LAURA | 10-24-33- 3.52 | 2023 | 3088.01 |
2024 | 2681.87 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR N 620' NW 50' TO POB W 259.94' S 78* W104.68' S 67* W 102.35' N 3* E 640.48' S 44* E 454.51' S 19* E 276.72' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 5769.88 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-2.0-10-000-000-008.021001-0001159-0310 | DAVIDSON, LAURA | 10-24-33- 2.81 | 2023 | 1144.55 |
2024 | 1419.22 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR SEC 10 N 620' TO POB W 50' N 19* W 276.72' N 44* W 454.51' E 464.15' S 572.02' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2563.77 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-044.000001-0001173-0139 | CUBINE, NANCYCAROLINE B. | 12-24-33- 0.34 | 2023 | 38.35 |
2024 | 34.59 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
70' X 210' IN SE1/4 SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOT 139 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 72.94 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-046.000001-0001189-0000 | CASAD, BURTON M. & NORMA J. TRUST | 12-24-33- 0.58 | 2023 | 58.25 |
2024 | 51.85 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
120' X 210' IN SE1/4 SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOTS 141 & 142 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 110.10 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-013.000001-0001193-0000 | HARNED, ESTEN EUGENE JR. | 12-24-33- 0.16 | 2023 | 23.25 |
2024 | 21.51 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
50' X 140' IN S1/2 SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOT OO | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 44.76 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-079.000001-0001198-0000 | BRANNON, CHRISTINA | 12-24-33- 0.46 | 2023 | 752.56 |
2024 | 653.96 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOTS80-B & 80-C | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1406.52 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-009.000001-0001241-0000 | HARNED, ESTEN EUGENE JR | 12-24-33- 0.16 | 2023 | 23.25 |
2024 | 21.51 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
50' X 140' IN SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOT 200-A | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 44.76 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-005-016.000001-0001255-0000 | RICKER, DANIEL LESLIE & CHASTITY L. | 12-24-33- 0.16 | 2023 | 19.29 |
2024 | 18.07 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
88.5' X 220.45' IN NE1/4 SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGSUNRECORDED: LOT 78 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 37.36 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-064.000001-0001263-0000 | SUMMERS, WILLIAM L. & TERESA A. | 12-24-33- 0.32 | 2023 | 157.52 |
2024 | 137.94 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
WHISPERING SPRINGS(UNREORDED) LOTS 168 & 169 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 295.46 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-063.000001-0001271-0000 | SUMMERS, WILLIAM & TERESA | 12-24-33- 0.32 | 2023 | 140.85 |
2024 | 123.49 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
100' X 140' IN SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOTS 166 & 167 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 264.34 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-014.000001-0001280-0000 | HARNED, ESTEN EUGENE JR. | 12-24-33- 0.32 | 2023 | 36.75 |
2024 | 33.21 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
100' X 140' IN SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOTS MM & NN | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 69.96 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-012.000001-0001299-0000 | HARNED, ESTEN EUGENE JR. | 12-24-33- 0.32 | 2023 | 36.75 |
2024 | 33.21 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
100' X 140' IN SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOTS QQ & PP | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 69.96 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-017.000001-0001335-0000 | HARNED, ESTEN EUGENE JR. | 12-24-33- 0.16 | 2023 | 66.97 |
2024 | 59.43 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
50' X 140' IN SW1/4 SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOT II | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 126.40 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-074.000001-0001360-0000 | RODRIGUEZ, FREDY | 12-24-33- 0.24 | 2023 | 646.87 |
2024 | 562.31 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
WHISPERING SPRINGS: LOT 80 H | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1209.18 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-002-011.000001-0001427-0000 | NOBLIN, CHARLES E. & GENEVA | 12-24-33- 0.16 | 2023 | 23.25 |
2024 | 21.51 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
50' X 140' IN SW1/4 SE1/4 WHISPERING SPRINGS UNRECORDED: LOT 200-D | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 44.76 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-005-022.000001-0001433-0000 | RICKER, DANIEL LESLIE & CHASTITY L. | 12-24-33- 0.36 | 2023 | 29.60 |
2024 | 27.01 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 SE1/4 BEG 76.65' N & N 64* 41.09' W 121.9' SW COR NE1/4 SE1/4 W'LY 155.79' NW'LY 161.37' NE'LY 21.4' SE'LY 210' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 56.61 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-1.0-12-004-005-023.000001-0001434-0000 | RICKER, DANIEL LESLIE & CHASTITY L. | 12-24-33- 0.60 | 2023 | 959.08 |
2024 | 833.05 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 BEG 43.82' N SE COR NW1/4 SE1/4 SW'LY 219.71' NW'LY 123.13' NE'LY 155.79' SE'LY 121.19' S 32.83' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1792.13 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-15-000-000-002.001001-0001464-0500 | HOUSTON, NORMAN & CHRISTY | 15-24-33- 15.31 | 2023 | 29.96 |
2024 | 27.33 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SW1/4 SW1/4 LY S RD | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 57.29 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-16-000-000-005.000001-0001474-0000 | HOUSTON, NORMAN & CHRISTY | 16-24-33- 28.21 | 2023 | 411.00 |
2024 | 358.34 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 SE1/4 EX BEG 297' S NW COR S 62* E TO 545' NW & 320' N SE COR S 31* W TO S LN SE1/4 W TO W LN SE1/4 N TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 769.34 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-16-000-000-005.001001-0001474-0025 | HOUSTON, NORMAN & CHRISTY | 16-24-33- 38.95 | 2023 | 1993.96 |
2024 | 1733.29 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3727.25 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-16-000-000-006.001001-0001479-0025 | HOUSTON, NORMAN & DARLA | 16-24-33- 60.80 | 2023 | 292.08 |
2024 | 255.02 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 SE1/4 LY E OF RD & PT N OF BRANCH EX BEG 731.44' W OF SE COR NE1/4 SE1/4 W 466.20' N 528.38' E 466.20' S 528.38' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 547.10 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-17-000-000-005.001001-0001486-0025 | SMITH, TONY G. & RACHELLE J. | 17-24-33- 5.06 | 2023 | 2129.16 |
2024 | 1859.26 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG W1/4 COR E 171.86' S 8* E 196.72' N 73* E 163.33' S 2* W 515.14' W TO SEC LN N TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3988.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-17-000-000-008.002001-0001492-0050 | SLATTON, HAROLD G. & MARY J. | 17-24-33- 3.06 | 2023 | 377.26 |
2024 | 330.60 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG 328.15' E SW COR N 395.50' E 332.50' S 395.50' W 332.50' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 707.86 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-18-000-000-003.000001-0001498-0000 | SPARLIN, JERRY L. & COROZON C. | 18-24-33- 9.58 | 2023 | 259.51 |
2024 | 227.72 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 10A NE1/4 NE1/4 & E 30A NW1/4 NE1/4 LY N OF RD EX W 607.45' OF E 30A NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 487.23 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-18-000-000-017.001001-0001503-0025 | TEAGUE, KATHY S. | 18-24-33- 4.43 | 2023 | 378.95 |
2024 | 331.96 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NW COR SE1/4 NE1/4 S 430' E 662.96' N 46* W 428.75' NWLY 163.10' W 266.55' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 710.91 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-18-000-000-021.001001-0001508-0025 | TODD, JARROD & JAMI LEIGH HEMBREE | 18-24-33- 20.02 | 2023 | 1013.98 |
2024 | 886.12 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 NE1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1900.10 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-18-000-000-006.004001-0001509-0100 | TODD, JARROD D. & JAMI LEIGH | 18-24-33- 18.96 | 2023 | 85.60 |
2024 | 75.56 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 LOT 2 SW1/4 BEG SW COR N1/2 LOT 2 SW1/4 N20' E 509.56' N 427.77' E 90.44' N 873' E TO NE COR N1/2 LOT 2 SW1/4 S TO SE COR N1/2 LOT 2 SW1/4 W | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 161.16 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-19-000-000-002.001001-0001524-0025 | BEECHER, KIMBERLY LOUISE | 19-24-33- 1.00 | 2023 | 582.74 |
2024 | 509.98 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 209' E NW COR NE1/4 NE1/4 S 209' E 209' N 209' W 209' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1092.72 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-19-000-000-002.003001-0001524-0075 | DURBIN, PATRICIA L. & DANNY L. (L.E | 19-24-33- 0.89 | 2023 | 738.67 |
2024 | 619.00 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG NW COR E 209' S 209' W 209' N 209' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1357.67 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-20-000-000-002.001001-0001538-0050 | COLLINS, CLAY & CHANTEL | 20-24-33- 5.56 | 2023 | 268.58 |
2024 | 235.71 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT IN SEC 20 OF N1/2 E1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 SEC 20 & PTN1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 SEC 21 BEG S RD RW & W LN E1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 S 357' E'LY 1497' TO PT 371' S RD RW N 3 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 504.29 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-4.0-20-000-000-007.001001-0001544-0025 | RAYBURN, SCOTT L. & JEANETTE | 20-24-33- 8.71 | 2023 | 1575.45 |
2024 | 1376.52 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SW1/4 LY S RD EX W 8A | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2951.97 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-21-000-000-006.001001-0001551-0025 | COLLINS, CLAY & CHANTEL | 21-24-33- 7.27 | 2023 | 933.11 |
2024 | 815.80 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT IN SEC 21 OF N1/2 E1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 SEC 20 & PTN1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 SEC 21 BEG S RD RW & W LN E1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 S 357' E'LY 1497' TO PT 371' S RD RW N 3 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1748.91 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-21-000-000-012.000001-0001563-0000 | NORRIS, CAROLYN MARIE | 21-24-33- 12.51 | 2023 | 220.70 |
2024 | 193.03 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 SE1/4 EX N 10A & EX S 10A & EX BEG SE COR N10A SE1/4 SE1/4 S 600' W 209.4' N 600' E 290.4' TO POB EX BEG SW COR OF N 10A SE1/4 SE1/4 E 364.84' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 413.73 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-21-000-000-012.001001-0001563-0025 | LEWIS, FRANK & DANA | 21-24-33- 1.83 | 2023 | 382.46 |
2024 | 333.53 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR N 10A SE1/4 SE1/4 S 300' W 290.4' N 300' E 290.4' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 715.99 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-22-000-000-003.000001-0001569-0000 | HENDERSON, DON & GLORIA | 22-24-33- 0.70 | 2023 | 691.26 |
2024 | 601.39 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 W1/2 SE1/4 NE1/4 LY N OF RD | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1292.65 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-5.0-22-000-000-007.001001-0001575-0025 | BANKS, CASAUNDRA | 22-24-33- 25.22 | 2023 | 346.45 |
2024 | 302.06 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 5A NE1/4 NW1/4 LY E OF RD & S 20A OF N 25A N1/2NW1/4 LY E OF RD | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 648.51 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-6.0-24-000-000-003.008001-0001603-0160 | BROADY, JEFFERSON BRACTION | 24-24-33- 25.17 | 2023 | 82.08 |
2024 | 72.51 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NW1/4 BEG SW COR N 1324.55' E 1102.46' S24* W 1423.63' W 555.16' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 154.59 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-7.0-25-000-000-011.001001-0001627-0025 | HARRIS, JAMES R. & PICCOLA G. | 25-24-33- 5.00 | 2023 | 716.45 |
2024 | 622.68 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR SE1/4 SE1/4 N 596.40' E 365.20' S 596.40' W 356.20' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1339.13 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-7.0-25-000-000-012.000001-0001629-0000 | HARRIS, LUCILLE | 25-24-33- 1.84 | 2023 | 1110.74 |
2024 | 964.67 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 NE1/4 & NE1/4 SE1/4 & SW1/4 SE1/4 & NW1/4 SE1/4 EX BEG 2657.50' S NE COR NE1/4 S 102.22' W 242.14' N 102.59' E 240.7' TO POB & EX BEG 2759.72' S | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2075.41 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-9.0-29-000-000-003.001001-0001667-0025 | TWEEDY, KENNY & CAROL | 29-24-33- 12.01 | 2023 | 856.22 |
2024 | 748.70 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 12A SW1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1604.92 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-8.0-34-000-000-007.002001-0001702-0075 | ANDERSON, TINA L. | 34-24-33- 5.13 | 2023 | 959.17 |
2024 | 834.04 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 SE1/4 BEG NE COR S 24.80' S 55* W 60.57' S 100.21' S 51* W 86.13' S 68* W 150.74' S 49* W 50.17' S 22* W 394.02' S 44* W 285.14' S 75* W 80.39 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1793.21 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-8.0-34-000-000-007.005001-0001702-0150 | ANDERSON, TINA L. | 34-24-33- 7.63 | 2023 | 256.46 |
2024 | 223.97 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 SE1/4 BEG NE COR S 24.80' S 55* W 60.57' S 1* W 100.21' S 51* W 86.13' S 68* W 150.94' S 49* W 50.17* S 22* W 394.02' S 44* W 285.14' S 75* W | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 480.43 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-8.0-34-000-000-007.007001-0001702-0200 | ANDERSON, TINA L. | 34-24-33- 4.92 | 2023 | 691.80 |
2024 | 601.90 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT N1/2 SE1/4 BEG NE COR S 24.80' S 55* W 60.57'S 1* W 100.21' S 51* W 86.13' S 68* W 150.94' ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1293.70 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 20-7.0-36-000-000-004.001001-0001719-0500 | JONES, KYLE BO & NIKKI | 36-24-33- 9.66 | 2023 | 708.65 |
2024 | 615.95 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 N1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 EX N 14' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1324.60 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-1.0-12-000-000-008.000001-0001772-0000 | WINSETT, KAREN | 12-24-34- 3.58 | 2023 | 2958.64 |
2024 | 2566.63 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 SE1/4 LY S OF NEW HWY 60 EX BEG SE COR W464.75' N 5* W 314.52' N 78* E 523.96' S 435.70' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 5525.27 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-1.0-12-000-000-025.000001-0001784-0015 | LANKFORD, JEREMY JAMES | 12-24-34- 4.26 | 2023 | 193.73 |
2024 | 169.32 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 5A W1/2 SE1/4 BEG 505' E INTERS HWY & SE1/4 S TO HWY NE 200' N TO HWY SW 185' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 363.05 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-6.0-14-000-000-007.000001-0001817-0000 | BROWN, DERRICK & SOMER TRUST | 14-24-34- 9.93 | 2023 | 1781.89 |
2024 | 1546.44 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 W1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3328.33 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-5.0-22-000-000-012.004001-0001887-0100 | HAYES, TIMOTHY MARK & JANA K. | 22-24-34- 0.71 | 2023 | 839.63 |
2024 | 729.37 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG SE COR W 1363.52' TO POB W 167.77' N 216.45' S 84* E 163.25' S 201.22' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1569.00 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-6.0-23-000-000-002.000001-0001891-0000 | PATTERSON, DANNY J. & MONA | 23-24-34- 14.63 | 2023 | 1643.06 |
2024 | 1426.05 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 EX BEG NE COR SEC 23 W 812.77' TO POB S 727' W 327' N 727' E 372' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3069.11 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-6.0-23-000-000-005.000001-0001895-0000 | DEROSE, WILLIAM JOSEPH MARTIN | 23-24-34- 4.90 | 2023 | 703.92 |
2024 | 611.73 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 26A SW1/4 NW1/4 EX BEG 28 RDS N SW COR SW1/4 NW1/4 E TO E LN SW1/4 NW1/4 N 16 1/2' W TO W LN S 161/2' TO POB EX S 283' EX BEG NW COR SW1/4 NW1/4 E | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1315.65 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-6.0-24-000-000-003.000001-0001908-0000 | LANKFORD, THOMAS ALAN & MARIE | 24-24-34- 11.65 | 2023 | 323.90 |
2024 | 282.21 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 784.14' S1/2 NW1/4 NE1/4 EX W 1RD | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 606.11 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-6.0-24-000-000-004.000001-0001909-0000 | LANKFORD, THOMAS A. & GLADYS M. | 24-24-34- 19.70 | 2023 | 892.34 |
2024 | 775.10 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NW1/4 NE1/4 EX W 1/2A | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1667.44 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-6.0-24-000-000-014.001001-0001912-0030 | PANKEY, ANGEL | 24-24-34- 1.09 | 2023 | 919.51 |
2024 | 798.64 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 NE1/4 BEG 284.68' N SE COR W 399.43' N 117.64' E 399.3' S 127.22' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1718.15 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-6.0-24-000-000-010.000001-0001919-0000 | MACY, WAYNE E. | 24-24-34- 14.46 | 2023 | 1657.81 |
2024 | 1438.84 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 SE1/4 SW1/4 EX BEG SE COR W 335.69' N 2* W 627.57' E 358.85' S 627.18' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3096.65 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-7.0-26-000-000-008.010001-0001941-0100 | FISHER, JESSIE | 26-24-34- 1.66 | 2023 | 1139.75 |
2024 | 989.63 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT S1/2 SE1/4 NW1/4 BEG SE COR N1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 W 333' S 218' E 333' N 218' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2129.38 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-8.0-27-000-000-001.001001-0001953-0025 | DURHAM, DEBBIE & TONI RENAE MCNARY | 27-24-34- 73.29 | 2023 | 165.66 |
2024 | 144.98 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NE1/4 EX 5 AC IN NE COR NW1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 310.64 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-8.0-27-000-000-010.000001-0001956-0000 | HEMBREE, JEFFERY O. & REGINA | 27-24-34- 39.36 | 2023 | 1187.84 |
2024 | 1031.31 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2219.15 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-8.0-28-000-000-011.003001-0001976-0060 | PUCKETT, RICHIE & CHRISTIN | 28-24-34- 9.63 | 2023 | 396.79 |
2024 | 345.40 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 742.19 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-9.0-29-000-000-004.001001-0001981-0025 | SKAGGS, JEFFERY E. & LACY Y. | 29-24-34- 6.53 | 2023 | 1265.40 |
2024 | 1098.57 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 BEG NW COR SE1/4 E 1281.82' TOPOB S 663.30' E 410.45' N 663.30' W 410.45' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2363.97 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-8.0-33-000-000-003.000001-0001990-0000 | WILSON, DAMON L. | 33-24-34- 10.60 | 2023 | 601.52 |
2024 | 522.93 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
1A IN NE COR E1/2 NW1/4 & PT W1/2 NE1/4 BEG NW COR E 360' S 390' W 66' S 1004' W 294' N 1394' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1124.45 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 19-7.0-35-000-000-008.004001-0002020-0075 | OWENS, TYLER | 35-24-34- 1.62 | 2023 | 176.55 |
2024 | 154.43 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 PT S1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG 331.01' S OF NW COR E 530.17' S 331.01' TO S LN OF SEC 35 W 530.15' TOSW COR N 331.01' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 330.98 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-1.0-02-000-000-003.001001-0002030-0025 | MURREY, LISA DAWN | 2-25-29- 3.54 | 2023 | 1635.60 |
2024 | 1503.15 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NW1/4 BEG NW COR E 680.21' S 72.31' TO POB E 449.64' S 390.43' W 333.39' N 15* W 404.50' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3138.75 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-1.0-02-000-000-005.000001-0002033-0000 | ABRAMOVITZ, DEENA & LEONARD TRUST | 2-25-29- 18.80 | 2023 | 451.63 |
2024 | 415.62 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 867.25 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-2.0-03-000-000-003.000001-0002043-0000 | EARLL, JANA DOREEN | 3-25-29- 1.61 | 2023 | 1252.10 |
2024 | 1150.89 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W1/2 LOT 2 NE FRL1/4 BEG 488.5' W NE COR W 341.5' S 258' E 341.5' N 258' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2402.99 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-2.0-04-000-000-005.003001-0002052-0035 | MCCONNELL, JAMES H. JR. | 4-25-29- 2.51 | 2023 | 775.44 |
2024 | 713.05 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG 412.5' S NW COR E 1316.69' S 82.5' W 1316.69' N 82.5' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1488.49 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-3.0-07-000-000-004.000001-0002080-0000 | LEMON, WILLIAM D. & MARGARET A. | 7-25-29- 37.46 | 2023 | 3216.63 |
2024 | 2788.36 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 LOT 1 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6004.99 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-6.0-14-000-000-002.002001-0002121-0030 | MILLER, CLIFFORD M. & KAYLEE | 14-25-29- 3.69 | 2023 | 3052.16 |
2024 | 2645.86 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NW1/4 BEG SW COR N 323.50' S 71* E 838.22' S 82' W 801' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 5698.02 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-4.0-19-000-000-007.001001-0002164-0025 | LAMBETH, MATTHEW T. & LEMON, JENNIF | 19-25-29- 39.80 | 2023 | 3717.40 |
2024 | 3222.25 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6939.65 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-8.0-27-000-000-005.001001-0002225-0025 | WHITE, TYLER G. | 27-25-29- 4.90 | 2023 | 1694.15 |
2024 | 1469.34 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 SW1/4 BEG SE COR N 1037.14' W 210' S 1037.14' E 210' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3163.49 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-9.0-32-000-000-002.000001-0002299-0000 | HARRIS, SAM G. | 32-25-29- 80.15 | 2023 | 1305.39 |
2024 | 1132.40 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SW1/4 NE1/4 & SE1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2437.79 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 13-9.0-32-000-000-006.001001-0002303-0025 | HARRIS, SAM G. | 32-25-29- 39.59 | 2023 | 162.73 |
2024 | 142.34 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 305.07 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-1.0-01-000-000-003.000001-0002355-0560 | OXENDINE, BRANDON JAMES & COURTNEY | 1-25-30- 1.90 | 2023 | 395.57 |
2024 | 344.09 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
2A IN SE COR NE1/4 NW1/4 BEG SE COR N 330' W 264'S 330' E 264' POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 739.66 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-1.0-12-000-000-006.001001-0003056-0025 | HARRIS, CLOVIS L. & MICHELLE | 12-25-30- 29.74 | 2023 | 2036.34 |
2024 | 1765.71 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 30A NW1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3802.05 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-5.0-22-000-000-001.000001-0003258-0000 | BUTLER, JERRY FRANKLIN & SUSAN KAY | 22-25-30- 110.57 | 2023 | 861.41 |
2024 | 747.71 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 NE1/4 EX N 200' OF E 200' & NE1/4 SE1/4 EX S275' OF E 150' & EX BEG 297.96' S NE COR NE1/4 W 151' S 429.32' W 303.68' S 512' E 453.37' N TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1609.12 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-6.0-23-000-000-001.005001-0003274-0125 | CLOSE, MARY BESS & ETAL | 23-25-30- 2.85 | 2023 | 239.15 |
2024 | 208.56 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 340' OF 5 ACRES IN NW COR E1/2 NE1/4 EX N 200' OF W 200' NE1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 447.71 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-7.0-25-000-000-009.004001-0003320-0075 | ROLLER, WILLIAM E. & TAMMY | 25-25-30- 0.00 | 2023 | 218.77 |
2024 | 190.89 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
I.O.L.L. | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 409.66 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-7.0-26-000-000-004.003001-0003340-0075 | BOWMAN, TIM | 26-25-30- 4.34 | 2023 | 1170.76 |
2024 | 1040.33 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT SE1/4 SW1/4 BEG SE COR W 495' N 440' NELY 550' N TO POB ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2211.09 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-8.0-28-000-000-009.000001-0003374-0000 | SPANGLER, JAMES M. & TABITHA | 28-25-30- 40.26 | 2023 | 1229.35 |
2024 | 1127.01 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2356.36 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-9.0-30-000-000-006.000001-0003418-0000 | DAY, WILLIAM D. & MONA R. | 30-25-30- 38.60 | 2023 | 719.80 |
2024 | 624.47 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 W1/2 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1344.27 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 14-8.0-33-000-000-014.001001-0003466-0025 | SMITH, GLENDALL C. | 33-25-30- 5.19 | 2023 | 1122.50 |
2024 | 973.08 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 172.83' SW1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2095.58 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-2.0-04-000-000-004.004001-0003860-0060 | HAYES, MATTHEW KENNETH & KAYLA | 4-25-31- 5.10 | 2023 | 4380.88 |
2024 | 3804.91 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 BEG W1/4 COR N 233.81' E 1230.78' TO POBN 15* W 46.89' N 22* W 106.12' N 27* W 79.82' N 42* W 55.20' N 68* W 59.39' W 78.85' N 70* E 426.92' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 8185.79 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-2.0-04-000-000-010.004001-0003874-0030 | SAMPLE, ALAN & AMY | 4-25-31- 7.52 | 2023 | 1182.91 |
2024 | 516.99 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 SE1/4 BEG 102.45' W & 840.25' N SE SEC COR W 1045' N 6* E 160' N 19* E 181.06' E 943.52' SLY 330' TO POB EX W 25' & EASEMENT & WELL AGREEMENT | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1699.90 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-2.0-04-000-000-010.013001-0003874-0095 | PACKWOOD, SAMUEL L. | 4-25-31- 4.12 | 2023 | 1232.18 |
2024 | 1071.13 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 957.34' N & 1539.98' W SE COR SE1/4 W 650.26'N 660.22' E 650.26' S 661.17' TO POB EX E 475.10' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2303.31 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-2.0-04-000-000-010.014001-0003874-0100 | MOORE, DOYLE & DENISE | 4-25-31- 3.60 | 2023 | 894.44 |
2024 | 777.90 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG E1/4 COR W 115.14' S 1257.48' S 4* E 67.83' TO POB W 878.09' S 19* W 165' E 943.52' N 4* W 156.24' TO POB EX W 25' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1672.34 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-3.0-05-000-000-015.000001-0003878-0000 | GUARINO, ROBERT & LESLIE | 5-25-31- 4.74 | 2023 | 233.53 |
2024 | 204.10 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 LOT 1 NE1/4 & PT LOT 2 NE1/4 LY S OF CRK & E OF RD EX BEG SE COR N1/2 LOT 1 NE1/4 W 1024.92' TO POB W 520.57' N 10* E 259.86' N 21* E 217.66' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 437.63 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-3.0-05-000-000-015.001001-0003878-0025 | GUARINO, ROBERT & LESLIE JANE | 5-25-31- 4.67 | 2023 | 1311.39 |
2024 | 1139.90 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT N1/2 LOT 1 NE1/4 BEG SE COR N1/2 LOT 1 NE1/4 W 1024.92' TO POB W 520.57' N 10* E 259.86' N21* E217.66' E 405.87' S 458.40' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2451.29 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-3.0-05-000-000-015.004001-0003878-0100 | BAD DONKEY DEVELOPMENT, LLC | 5-25-31- 8.03 | 2023 | 537.33 |
2024 | 438.40 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 975.73 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-3.0-08-000-000-012.000001-0004024-0000 | ROLES, CAROLE & JAMES | 8-25-31- 3.31 | 2023 | 616.54 |
2024 | 536.62 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 EX BEG SE COR W 189.12' N 4* W 192.85' NE ALG HWY R/W TO E LN SEC S 245.55' TO POBEX BEG NE COR NE1/4 SE1/4 S 260.46' TO POB N 88* W | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1153.16 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-2.0-10-000-000-022.000001-0004120-0000 | LEONARD, DUSTIN & JAMIE | 10-25-31- 16.81 | 2023 | 1887.42 |
2024 | 1635.24 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 200' W1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 & E 200' NW1/4 NW1/4 SW1/4 & W 200' E1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 & W 200' NE1/4 NW1/4 SW1/4 LY S OF HWY | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3522.66 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-4.0-18-000-000-050.002001-0004354-0050 | WALDEN, CHAUNCEY L. & GLENDA M. | 18-25-31- 13.80 | 2023 | 2187.22 |
2024 | 1900.33 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NE1/4 BEG SE COR W 830.22' N 661.63' S 86* E 264.77' N 61* E 150.18' N 310.04' S 87* E 74.99' N 82* E 54.14' ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4087.55 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-4.0-19-004-011-002.000001-0004414-0025 | PAUL, JORDAN L. & MCINTYRE, BRADLEY | 19-25-31- 1.43 | 2023 | 3364.44 |
2024 | 2922.40 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 SE1/4 BEG 672.93' N & 437.14' W SE SEC COR NW 229.16' NE 287.45' SE 251.69' SW 278.05' TO POB & EASEMENT | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6286.84 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-4.0-20-000-000-012.003001-0004446-0050 | NORMAN, KYLE | 20-25-31- 1.14 | 2023 | 156.76 |
2024 | 137.44 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NW1/4 BEG 252' N SW COR E1/2 E1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 E 150' TO POB E 150' N 330' W 150' S 330' TOPOB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 294.20 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-4.0-20-000-000-039.004001-0004490-0100 | HUBBARD, JERRY TRUST | 20-25-31- 20.19 | 2023 | 41.25 |
2024 | 37.16 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NE1/4 BEG SW COR N 364.89' TO POB N 614.47' E 1964.60' S 588.15' W 655.04' S 657.09' W 299.76' N 343.98' W 270.25' N 351.31' W 743.96' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 78.41 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-4.0-20-000-000-039.008001-0004490-0200 | HUBCO INVESTMENTS, LLC | 20-25-31- 2.10 | 2023 | 2329.44 |
2024 | 2023.80 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NE1/4 BEG SW COR N 364.89' E 743.96' TO POB S 351.31' E 270.25' N 7* W 353.97' W 226.19' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4353.24 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-4.0-20-000-000-032.002001-0004494-0050 | MIKULAS, JAMES & SHARLA | 20-25-31- 5.00 | 2023 | 931.63 |
2024 | 810.19 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR W1/2 SE1/4 W 896' N 1* E 758.35' TO POB N 1* E 43' N 2* W 543.08' N 55* E 275' S 30* E 309.41' S 10* W 483.61' W 275' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1741.82 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-5.0-21-000-000-050.001001-0004502-0080 | HUBCO INVESTMENTS, LLC | 21-25-31- 1.53 | 2023 | 989.00 |
2024 | 860.00 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG 37.5' W SE COR N 12* E 1.79' N 232.95' W 292.14' SELY TO POB 284.14' E POB E TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1849.00 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-5.0-21-000-000-050.002001-0004502-0085 | HUBCO INVESTMENTS, LLC | 21-25-31- 2.12 | 2023 | 160.01 |
2024 | 140.25 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG 37.5' W SE COR N 12* E 1.79' N232.95' W 292.14' TO POB E 292.14' N 71.03' N 9* E 92.7' N 142.98' W TO PT DUE N OF POB S TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 300.26 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-5.0-22-000-000-032.000001-0004586-0000 | DAVIS, DOUGLAS & CHERYL | 22-25-31- 29.50 | 2023 | 2302.15 |
2024 | 1994.25 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 SE1/4 NE1/4 & NW1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4296.40 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-7.0-26-000-000-014.009001-0004786-0150 | MCKNIGHT, ROBERT & RACHELLE LYNEE | 26-25-31- 22.72 | 2023 | 88.66 |
2024 | 78.11 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SE COR W 405' TO POB W 639.11'N 791.50' W 274.50' N 529.07' E 938.81' S 486.63'S 4* W 402.30' S 434.13' TO POB & PT SW1/4 SW1/4 B | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 166.77 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-7.0-26-000-000-027.000001-0004796-0000 | MCKNIGHT, ROBERT G. & RACHELLE & | 26-25-31- 0.98 | 2023 | 106.23 |
2024 | 93.33 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S 180' OF W 256' OF NW1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 199.56 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-7.0-26-000-000-022.001001-0004814-0025 | TAFF, MARTY & AMANDA | 26-25-31- 9.70 | 2023 | 340.97 |
2024 | 296.53 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 S1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 & E1/2 N1/2 S1/2 SE1/4SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 637.50 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-9.0-31-002-004-009.000001-0004996-0000 | WILKINS, TERRY & JUDITH A. | 31-25-31- 3.00 | 2023 | 447.63 |
2024 | 389.97 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NW1/4 BEG SE COR LOT 7 SHOUNICK W 522' S248' E 507' N 250' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 837.60 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-9.0-31-000-000-006.002001-0004998-0050 | GOFF, GARY ALAN | 31-25-31- 0.40 | 2023 | 273.98 |
2024 | 239.15 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG NW COR NW1/4 SW1/4 E 148.46' TO POB E 65' S 193.14' S 63* ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 513.13 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-7.0-35-000-000-004.005001-0005118-0030 | MCKNIGHT, ROBERT | 35-25-31- 4.84 | 2023 | 775.69 |
2024 | 674.05 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 E1/2 W1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1449.74 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-7.0-35-000-000-004.004001-0005118-0100 | MCKNIGHT, ROBERT | 35-25-31- 9.96 | 2023 | 1048.05 |
2024 | 910.24 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 W1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1958.29 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 15-7.0-35-000-000-002.012001-0005128-0075 | MCKNIGHT, ROBERT | 35-25-31- 10.00 | 2023 | 498.61 |
2024 | 433.77 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 932.38 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-1.0-02-000-000-004.001001-0005202-0025 | PAYTON, BOB & SHIRLEY | 2-25-32- 0.34 | 2023 | 23.96 |
2024 | 22.13 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 15' OF W1/2 LOT 2 NE1/4 FRAC SEC 2 LY N OF SCHMOLKE HILL RD | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 46.09 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-1.0-02-000-000-010.000001-0005212-0000 | PAYTON, RONALD E. & WHITE, TAMMY M. | 2-25-32- 8.90 | 2023 | 1207.13 |
2024 | 1049.39 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 W1/2 LOT 2 NW FRL1/2 EX E 660' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2256.52 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-1.0-02-000-000-010.001001-0005212-0025 | GRATTON, BILL W. & SHERRY | 2-25-32- 9.60 | 2023 | 1162.70 |
2024 | 1010.82 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 330' NW1/4 NW1/4 & BEG 3826.38' W NE SEC COR S 1264.66' W 59.01' N 1264.51' E 38.32' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2173.52 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-3.0-08-000-000-005.027001-0005394-0227 | HITT, RYAN M. & SORAYA | 8-25-32- 4.07 | 2023 | 3257.64 |
2024 | 2829.37 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 BEG NE COR LOT 11 WAYSIDE ESTATES 2 W 402.61' S 199.60' W 253.75' N 451.80' E 302.33' S 95.43' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6087.01 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-2.0-09-000-000-001.005001-0005416-0125 | MUNDY, LORENZO M. | 9-25-32- 10.32 | 2023 | 301.41 |
2024 | 263.03 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 1043.69' S NE COR NE1/4 S 448.25' W 1039.30' N 448.25' E TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 564.44 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-2.0-09-000-000-011.001001-0005436-0500 | CONNER, JUSTIN JAMES & | 9-25-32- 1.00 | 2023 | 763.56 |
2024 | 664.27 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 BEG 1315.86' N & 2087.31' W SE COR SEC N208.71' E 208.71' S 208.71' W TO POB & EASEMENT | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1427.83 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-2.0-10-000-000-010.007001-0005442-0175 | MARTIN, DIANNA L. | 10-25-32- 2.09 | 2023 | 2815.03 |
2024 | 2445.40 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG SW COR E 387.77' N6* E 239.68'W 418.34' S TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 5260.43 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-1.0-11-000-000-006.001001-0005508-0025 | HOFFMAN, NEVA | 11-25-32- 10.35 | 2023 | 1443.89 |
2024 | 1254.95 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 NW1/4 BEG CENTER SEC 11 N 556.48' TO POB N 52* W 853.27' S 53* W 53.18' N 38* W 163.96' N 24* W 105.79' N 13* W 47.69' N 24* E 49.10' N 70* E | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2698.84 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-1.0-11-000-000-010.000001-0005514-0000 | BLACK, MARILYN | 11-25-32- 4.00 | 2023 | 659.34 |
2024 | 573.80 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W1/2 NW1/4 SE1/4 BEG NE COR S 620' W 264' N 620' E 264' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1233.14 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-1.0-12-000-000-001.002001-0005526-0050 | HEATHMAN, AARON & MIRANDA | 12-25-32- 0.77 | 2023 | 188.28 |
2024 | 164.80 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 940.34' S & 297.83' W NE COR NE1/4 W 150' N 225' E 150' S 225' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 353.08 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-15-000-000-001.000001-0005630-0000 | RAINBOLT, RICHARD LEE & GINGER GAYL | 15-25-32- 25.21 | 2023 | 77.59 |
2024 | 68.70 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 NE1/4 EX BEG SW COR N 382.76' E 339.50' N 844.55' E 323.35' S 1227.31' W 662.85' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 146.29 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-15-000-000-002.000001-0005632-0000 | SOUTHERN, MALLOY & CAROL | 15-25-32- 4.84 | 2023 | 2652.61 |
2024 | 2304.39 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG @ NE COR W 721' S 350' E 721'N 350' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4957.00 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-15-000-000-040.000001-0005644-0000 | RAINBOLT, RICHARD LEE & GINGER GAYL | 15-25-32- 31.06 | 2023 | 4157.04 |
2024 | 3610.57 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 SE1/4 NE1/4 & BEG SW COR NE1/4 NE1/4 N 382.76' E 339.50' N 844.55' E 323.35' S 1227.31' W 662.85' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 7767.61 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-15-000-000-030.000001-0005672-0000 | DENEFRIO, TODD & JILL | 15-25-32- 3.86 | 2023 | 384.62 |
2024 | 335.27 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 OF: BEG 32 RDS N SE COR NW1/4 SE1/4 N 48 RDSW 843.5' S 48 RDS E 843.5' TO POB EX S 162' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 719.89 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-15-000-000-030.001001-0005672-0025 | DENEFRIO, TODD & JILL | 15-25-32- 2.74 | 2023 | 203.62 |
2024 | 178.13 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S 162' N1/2 OF: BEG 32 RDS N SE COR NW1/4 SE1/4 N48 RDS W 843.5' S 48 RDS E 843.5' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 381.75 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-16-000-000-009.000001-0005722-0000 | ELLIS, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL & BRANDY | 16-25-32- 8.95 | 2023 | 1636.99 |
2024 | 1422.61 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 SW1/4 EX S 1278.3' & EX N 330' EX BEG SW CORNW1/4 SW1/4 N 246.46' TO POB N 749.72' E 1322.99'S 738.21' W 1323.71' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3059.60 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-4.0-20-000-000-008.002001-0005850-0550 | MINDEN, PRESTON | 20-25-32- 0.88 | 2023 | 1432.59 |
2024 | 1245.00 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 529' OF W1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 EX PT NW1/4 BEG NW COR S 250' TO POB S 279' E 333.63' N 489.13' N 78* W 162.57' S 240.50' W 174' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2677.59 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-21-000-000-021.000001-0005900-0000 | BROWN, DARREL | 21-25-32- 7.09 | 2023 | 1114.39 |
2024 | 968.77 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 SW1/4 BEG SE COR N 406' W 709' S 406' E 709' TO POB & E 16' SE1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2083.16 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-21-000-000-018.001001-0005912-0025 | BAKER, RODNEY | 21-25-32- 1.93 | 2023 | 1658.84 |
2024 | 1441.55 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT SE1/4 SW1/4 BEG SE COR SE1/4 SW1/4 W 763.10' TO POB W 334.74' N 271.21' E 334.74' S 271.21' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3100.39 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-5.0-22-000-000-005.000001-0005946-0000 | BRISBIN, MANFORD H. & THERESIA | 22-25-32- 4.85 | 2023 | 805.51 |
2024 | 700.61 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 5A OF N 10A SE1/4 NW1/4 EX S 20' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1506.12 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-6.0-23-000-000-014.001001-0005960-0055 | DAVIS, DOUGLAS L. & CHERYL A. | 23-25-32- 3.06 | 2023 | 548.66 |
2024 | 477.70 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NW1/4 BEG 1008.41' S & 843.08' W NE COR W 435.92' S 305.61' E 435.92' N 305.61' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1026.36 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-6.0-23-000-000-006.000001-0005960-0525 | CONNER, GOLDIE TRUSTEE | 23-25-32- 4.10 | 2023 | 323.21 |
2024 | 281.94 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR NW1/4 NW1/4 S 983.41' TO POB W 718.08'S 304' E TO SE COR N 327.8' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 605.15 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-6.0-23-000-000-011.001001-0005960-0675 | HENDERSON, DUSTY W. & TAMMY L. | 23-25-32- 0.93 | 2023 | 2234.51 |
2024 | 1940.98 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NW1/4 BEG 655.61' S & 719.45' W NE COR W291.27' S 151.40' E 291.20' N 151.40' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4175.49 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-7.0-26-000-000-015.004001-0006024-0075 | REAL ESTATE INVESTORS, LLC | 26-25-32- 0.47 | 2023 | 818.52 |
2024 | 711.99 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W1/2 SW1/4 BEG SE COR W 140.17' N 657.57' W 688.13' N 394.49' TO POB N 120.14' E 170.61' S 120.14' W 170' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1530.51 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-7.0-26-000-000-015.003001-0006028-0050 | REAL ESTATE INVESTORS, LLC | 26-25-32- 1.53 | 2023 | 1673.36 |
2024 | 1454.17 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR SW1/4 SW1/4 W 140.17' N 657.57' W 520.13' TO POB W 168' N 394.49' E 170' S 394.50' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3127.53 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-27-000-000-039.001001-0006058-0000 | FRANKLIN, TOM & LISA | 27-25-32- 2.80 | 2023 | 2113.66 |
2024 | 1836.46 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 16.6' N & 25' W SE COR NE1/4 N 244.25' W 525.4' S 223.4' E TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3950.12 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-27-000-000-051.005001-0006062-0055 | EBERLE, BRODEY KYSON | 27-25-32- 1.92 | 2023 | 1047.15 |
2024 | 910.49 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG 2308.98' N & 549.63' W & S 5* W 246.78' TO POB S 5*W 227.97' S 72* W 177.29' S 85* W 107.56' N 11* W 146.92' N 50* E 50.80' N 63* E | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1957.64 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-27-000-000-011.001001-0006084-0025 | TERRELL, THOMAS L. | 27-25-32- 4.70 | 2023 | 1787.69 |
2024 | 1553.27 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 220' OF: BEG NE COR NW1/4 NW1/4 W 440' S 944' E440' N 944' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3340.96 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-27-000-000-034.000001-0006126-0000 | CONNER, JIM A. & RUTH I. & JUSTIN J | 27-25-32- 8.60 | 2023 | 568.86 |
2024 | 1322.91 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
10A SQLY OFF N SD SE1/4 SE1/4 EX N 200' OF E 220' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1891.77 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-28-000-000-023.000001-0006182-0000 | BUNCH, ROBERT J. & ROXANN M. | 28-25-32- 7.12 | 2023 | 2170.48 |
2024 | 1885.58 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 440' S1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 & W 440' SE1/4 SE1/4 EX BEG SW COR E1/2 SE1/4 N 243.75' E 176.26' S 243.49'W 193.43' TO POB & EX BEG 851.23' N SW COR N 1131. | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4056.06 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-9.0-29-000-000-012.000001-0006222-0000 | MERRELL, SHAWN J. & SHAYLA I. | 29-25-32- 0.63 | 2023 | 161.61 |
2024 | 141.65 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 65' N SE COR SE1/4 SW1/4 W 190.01' N 143.57' E 190.01' S TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 303.26 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-9.0-31-000-000-017.001001-0006328-0525 | DAIGLE, JOHN R. & ELIZABETH C. BOOT | 31-25-32- 2.00 | 2023 | 973.37 |
2024 | 846.17 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR W1/2 NE1/4 SW1/4 N 295' E 295' S 295' W 295' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1819.54 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-9.0-31-000-000-014.001001-0006330-0025 | COLE, SHAWN M. | 31-25-32- 1.88 | 2023 | 1209.29 |
2024 | 1051.05 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 S1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG 644.7' E SW COR TO POB E 20' N 666.64' W 232.70' S 185' W 17.65' S 134.15' E 230.35' S 347' TO POB VERIFIED BY SURVEY | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2260.34 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-9.0-32-000-000-014.001001-0006384-0025 | SLAUGHTER, MARY E. | 32-25-32- 4.50 | 2023 | 1123.11 |
2024 | 976.45 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT S 25 AC NW1/4 SE1/4 BEG SW COR N 209' TO POB N225.67' E 438.86' N 48.64' E 154.28' S 440.01' W 362.29' N 209' W 229' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2099.56 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-9.0-32-000-000-011.000001-0006390-0000 | SAPPINGTON, JESSIE & BILL | 32-25-32- 1.90 | 2023 | 819.31 |
2024 | 712.67 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 SE1/4 LY S OF HWY EX W 2280.14' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1531.98 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-33-000-000-015.004001-0006436-0040 | BENDER, MARSHA | 33-25-32- 4.41 | 2023 | 1258.08 |
2024 | 1093.61 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 497' W SE COR SW1/4 SE1/4 N 614.18' SW 365.54' S 582.84' E 364' TO POB EX BEG 861' W SE COR N 217.8' E 100' S 217.8' W TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2351.69 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-34-000-000-017.000001-0006450-0000 | CONNER, JIMMIE JOE & RUTH | 34-25-32- 2.88 | 2023 | 274.76 |
2024 | 239.87 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 5A OF S 15A SW1/4 SW1/4 EX W 175.94' OF S 495.2' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 514.63 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-34-000-000-018.000001-0006450-0500 | CONNER, JIMMY JOE & RUTH | 34-25-32- 5.00 | 2023 | 1732.32 |
2024 | 1505.37 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 439.83' E SW COR SW1/4 SW1/4 N 495.2' E 439.83' S 495.2' W 439.83' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3237.69 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 16-8.0-34-000-000-019.000001-0006502-0000 | SEVERS, HAROLD W. & BARBARA | 34-25-32- 4.90 | 2023 | 1319.47 |
2024 | 1146.91 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 415' OF S 30' OF N 65A W1/2 SW1/4 & E 5A OF S 15A W1/2 SW1/4 EX W 25' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2466.38 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-2.0-03-000-000-004.005001-0006690-0060 | GONZALEZ, MALINDA & DALLAS W. | 3-25-33- 0.27 | 2023 | 1671.95 |
2024 | 1453.59 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 150' OF E 90' OF N 250' W1/2 W1/2 LOT 2 NW1/4 W313.10' & EX E 30' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3125.54 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-3.0-07-000-000-002.000001-0006796-0000 | ANDERSON, SUZETTE | 7-25-33- 82.80 | 2023 | 323.13 |
2024 | 281.53 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W1/2 NE1/4 & SE1/4 NW1/4 LY E HWY 43 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 604.66 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-3.0-07-000-000-010.000001-0006796-0025 | CAUBLE, SUSETTE | 7-25-33- 40.20 | 2023 | 987.74 |
2024 | 857.83 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1845.57 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-3.0-07-000-000-003.000001-0006796-0500 | CAUBLE, SUSETTE | 7-25-33- 2.60 | 2023 | 25.30 |
2024 | 23.28 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W1/2 NE1/4 LYING N & W HWY 43 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 48.58 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-3.0-08-000-000-003.003001-0006822-0060 | ANDERSON, SUSETTE | 8-25-33- 80.12 | 2023 | 303.72 |
2024 | 264.70 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 BEG NW COR E 1333.13' S 720.81' S 1938.64' W 1329.46' N 2656.58' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 568.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-3.0-08-000-000-004.000001-0006826-0000 | CAUBLE, SUSETTE | 8-25-33- 80.50 | 2023 | 216.08 |
2024 | 188.71 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 404.79 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-3.0-08-000-000-008.003001-0006828-0100 | WILSON PROPERTY ENTERPRISES, LLC | 8-25-33- 2.95 | 2023 | 5019.73 |
2024 | 4353.99 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 660' E SW COR SE1/4 SW1/4 N 528' E 330' S 319.3' W 208.7' S 208.7' W 121.3' TO POB EX BEG 990' E SW COR SE1/4 W 208.7' N 210.58' E 215.65' S 11.18 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 9373.72 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-1.0-11-000-000-021.003001-0006948-0550 | LASLEY, RICK | 11-25-33- 0.87 | 2023 | 164.69 |
2024 | 144.36 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 NE1/4 BEG SW COR N 208.7' E 208.7' S 208.7' W 208.7' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 309.05 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-1.0-12-000-000-007.005001-0006996-0125 | CREED, JAMES & TAMMY LOU GREEN | 12-25-23- 5.00 | 2023 | 270.23 |
2024 | 236.02 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S 5A OF E 10A NW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 506.25 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-6.0-14-000-000-004.000001-0007043-0000 | OLSEN, CHERYL ANITA & JOSEPHINE L. | 14-25-33- 8.80 | 2023 | 732.05 |
2024 | 563.97 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR NW1/4 NW1/4 W 427' S TO HWY ELY TO DUES OF 465.96' E NW COR NW1/4 N TO N LN W 465.96' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1296.02 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-4.0-19-000-000-003.000001-0007186-0000 | LOWRY, TRACY & WAYNE | 19-25-33- 3.71 | 2023 | 106.57 |
2024 | 93.74 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 & 15' EASEMENT EX BEG SW COR SW1/4 N 1069.68' S 64* E 58.06' S 40* E 132.8' CURVE N N 31* E 201.46' N 43* E 287.14' S 1320.08' W 655. | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 200.31 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-4.0-19-000-000-003.003001-0007186-0075 | LOWRY, TRACEY HEATH | 19-25-33- 19.52 | 2023 | 832.91 |
2024 | 723.52 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 & 15' EASEMENT | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1556.43 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-4.0-19-000-000-003.006001-0007186-0130 | PERRY, MIRANA | 19-25-33- 7.36 | 2023 | 25.07 |
2024 | 23.09 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SW COR E 655.22' TO POB N983.39' E 324.71' S 983.40' W 327.61' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 48.16 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-4.0-20-000-000-011.000001-0007198-0000 | GALLEMORE, DENNIS & ETAL | 20-25-33- 64.71 | 2023 | 3487.27 |
2024 | 3024.98 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 1260' S NW COR NE1/4 NE1/4 NE 335' SE 400' SW930' NW 380' SW 260' SE 375' SW 770' N 21* W 509.58' S 61* W 341.42' S 7* E 587.90' SW 1070' N 2000' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6512.25 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-4.0-20-000-000-011.001001-0007198-0025 | GALLEMORE, KAREN | 20-25-33- 2.00 | 2023 | 134.03 |
2024 | 117.55 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NE1/4 BEG INTERS SW NW & RD S 64* W 600'TO POB S 25* E 375' S 64* W 232.3' N 25* W 375' N64* E 232' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 251.58 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-4.0-20-000-000-011.002001-0007198-0050 | GALLEMORE, REX ALLEN | 20-25-33- 4.99 | 2023 | 3740.64 |
2024 | 3244.67 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 2344.68' S & 2698.02' W NE COR S 42* W 81.33'S 61* W 279.11' S 54* W 133.53' N 7* W 587.90' N 61* E 341.42' S 21* E 509.58' TO POB & EASEMENT | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6985.31 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-4.0-20-000-000-003.000001-0007206-0000 | GALLEMORE, GARY D. ETAL | 20-25-33- 40.07 | 2023 | 616.62 |
2024 | 535.99 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1152.61 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-6.0-23-000-000-008.005001-0007290-0100 | MORGAN, RHONDA & RANDY | 23-25-33- 1.51 | 2023 | 121.54 |
2024 | 107.34 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG NE COR W 240.14' TO POB S5* E 91.73' S 3* W 170.59' N 79* W 264.07' N 4* W217.68' E 279.63' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 228.88 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-6.0-23-000-000-011.000001-0007300-0500 | FARMER, JEFFERY P. & JODI R. | 23-25-33- 7.62 | 2023 | 1479.50 |
2024 | 1292.35 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 EX BEG NE COR S1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 S250' W 261' N 250' E 261' TO POB EX W 724.63' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2771.85 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-7.0-25-000-000-001.001001-0007336-0025 | WILSON, BOBBIE ALLEN & SHELLIE LEA | 25-25-33- 3.29 | 2023 | 2092.19 |
2024 | 1827.00 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 385' NE1/4 NE1/4 EX N 208' OF W 416' & EX S 240' OF E 249' & BEG 145' S & 174' W NE COR NE1/4 W 75' S 240' E 75' N 240' TO POB & EX BEG NE COR ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3919.19 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-7.0-25-000-000-001.002001-0007336-0050 | BLASER, CODY M. & KIRSTEN A. | 25-25-33- 6.23 | 2023 | 809.00 |
2024 | 1284.91 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 208' OF W 416' EX W 208' NE1/4 NE1/4 & PT N1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG NE COR W 502.21' TO POB S 385.06' W 817.93' N 177' E 416' N 208' E 401.42' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2093.91 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-7.0-25-000-000-002.000001-0007338-0000 | WINCHESTER, HEATH | 25-25-33- 5.02 | 2023 | 712.64 |
2024 | 623.15 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
1A IN NW COR N1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG NW COR 208' E &W 208' N & S & N 500' OF E 350' OF NW1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1335.79 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-7.0-25-000-000-011.002001-0007356-0050 | WILCOX, VIRGINIA M. | 25-25-33- 4.87 | 2023 | 1124.19 |
2024 | 982.29 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2106.48 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-8.0-28-000-000-004.007001-0007438-0050 | 14556 CONDOR, LLC | 28-25-33- 5.32 | 2023 | 234.88 |
2024 | 205.00 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG W1/4 COR E 786.58' S 62* W 228.26' S 64* W 405.77' S 5* E 204.98' S 37* W 123.79' S 35* W TO W LN SEC N TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 439.88 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-9.0-29-000-000-011.003001-0007454-0075 | 14556 CONDOR, LLC | 29-25-33- 41.24 | 2023 | 798.22 |
2024 | 693.45 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT N1/2 SE1/4 BEG E1/4COR W 1320.04' N 88* W 152.24' S 13* E 1019.59' S 31* W 247.95' S 58* E 865.54' N 43* E 451.72' ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1491.67 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-8.0-34-000-000-005.001001-0007566-0025 | GARCIA, EDGAR WILLIAMS & GARZA, ANE | 34-25-33- 5.02 | 2023 | 411.32 |
2024 | 516.23 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 5A W1/2 W1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 & BEG NE COR W 5A W1/2W1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 E 30' S 225' W 30' N 225' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 927.55 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-7.0-35-000-000-004.000001-0007584-0200 | CORONADO, GENOVEVO & CLAUDIA M. | 35-25-33- 8.14 | 2023 | 2268.69 |
2024 | 1981.01 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NW COR NE1/4 NE1/4 S 580.44' S 16* E 306.67' NW 279.82' NW 275' NW 100' W TO POB & BEG 1052.12'W 100' S & S 37* E 341.14' FROM NE COR NE1/4 S 37* | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4249.70 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-7.0-35-000-000-013.000001-0007606-0025 | MARRS, JEROLD R. & ZONNIE K. | 35-25-33- 2.90 | 2023 | 1365.44 |
2024 | 1192.81 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 313.72' OF S 420' SW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2558.25 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 17-7.0-35-000-000-010.000001-0007632-0000 | BOLTON, ADAM | 35-25-33- 5.02 | 2023 | 744.25 |
2024 | 650.72 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG 740.72' N & 554.75' E SW SEC COR NLY 583.1' E 750.12' SW 932.92' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1394.97 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 18-1.0-01-000-000-006.000001-0007692-0000 | FORT, JAMES EDWARD & ETAL | 1-25-34- 0.84 | 2023 | 36.16 |
2024 | 32.69 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR SW1/4 SE1/4 W 264' N 160' E 264' S 160' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 68.85 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 18-6.0-13-000-000-003.001001-0007734-0025 | BRYANT, JOHNNY L. & MARCEE K. | 13-25-34- 6.57 | 2023 | 343.27 |
2024 | 298.99 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 700' W NE COR NW1/4 NE1/4 W 260' S 1155' E 260' N TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 642.26 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 18-6.0-13-000-000-003.002001-0007734-0050 | BRYANT, JOHNNY L. & MARCEE K. | 13-25-34- 8.82 | 2023 | 1049.78 |
2024 | 911.61 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 360' OF N 1155' NW1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1961.39 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 18-6.0-24-000-000-015.000001-0007820-0000 | MITCHELL, MARTY W. | 24-25-34- 4.16 | 2023 | 1215.78 |
2024 | 1055.55 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW1/4 NE1/4 BEG 33' S N LN & HWY E 110.49' S 272.08' W 209.71' NE TO POB & BEG S1/4 COR E 942.96' N 3650.73' TO POB S 82* E 462.63' N 21* E 363.13 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2271.33 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 18-7.0-25-000-000-016.000001-0007888-0000 | HOUSTON, EMALEE | 25-25-34- 0.94 | 2023 | 1432.53 |
2024 | 1243.42 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 NW1/4 BEG 819.5' N & 27' E SW COR E 213'S 193' W 213' N 193' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2675.95 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 12-8.0-27-000-000-001.000001-0008358-0000 | WECKER, JEROLD LEE | 27-26-29- 38.82 | 2023 | 1684.93 |
2024 | 1551.76 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3236.69 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 12-8.0-27-000-000-002.000001-0008360-0000 | FENSKE, KALINA K. | 27-26-29- 19.67 | 2023 | 1198.11 |
2024 | 1103.61 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 NW1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2301.72 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-3.0-06-000-000-006.001001-0008644-0025 | KYGER, MARK | 6-26-30- 57.73 | 2023 | 697.44 |
2024 | 605.11 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT S1/2 SE1/4 BEG NE COR SE1/4 SE1/4 S 1322.63' W1985.38' N 1323.19' E 1983.73' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1302.55 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-3.0-06-000-000-007.001001-0008646-0025 | HOWE, MATTHEW S. & JAMIE L. | 6-26-30- 9.57 | 2023 | 1806.03 |
2024 | 1564.79 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR N1/2 SE1/4 S 469' W 928.80' N 469' E 928.80' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3370.82 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-3.0-07-000-000-007.000001-0008672-0000 | FOSDICK, JONATHAN I. | 7-26-30- 39.39 | 2023 | 372.95 |
2024 | 181.65 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SW1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 554.60 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-2.0-09-000-000-008.000001-0008718-0000 | KELLISON, RAYMOND W. & KOHLER, | 9-26-30- 11.68 | 2023 | 510.99 |
2024 | 443.71 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG INTERS RD & SW1/4 SW1/4 N 300' W 300' S 300' E 300' TO POB & W 10A SE1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 954.70 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-6.0-14-000-000-010.001001-0008798-0025 | HUTCHINGS, RUSSELL WAYNE & RONDA S. | 14-26-30- 4.84 | 2023 | 987.95 |
2024 | 856.89 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 508.57' S NE COR NE1/4 SE1/4 S 466.69' W 466.69' N 466.69' E 466.69' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1844.84 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-5.0-16-000-000-010.000001-0008854-0000 | STAPP, PHILLIP & TRISTA GATES | 16-26-30- 23.14 | 2023 | 463.35 |
2024 | 350.29 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 SE1/4 EX BEG SE COR W 1341.60' N 552.10' E 1340.79' S 552.14' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 813.64 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-5.0-22-000-000-005.000001-0008990-0000 | COLLINSWORTH, DEBRA ANN | 22-26-30- 9.50 | 2023 | 208.12 |
2024 | 181.53 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 6A W1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 & N 4A OF N 7A S 14A W1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 EX W 18' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 389.65 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-5.0-22-000-000-011.000001-0009006-0000 | WECKER, MICHAEL & SAMANTHA | 22-26-30- 39.48 | 2023 | 579.20 |
2024 | 502.76 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1081.96 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-6.0-24-000-000-002.000001-0009046-0000 | BALCH, JAMES & BRITTNI | 24-26-30- 19.55 | 2023 | 116.77 |
2024 | 102.45 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 219.22 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-9.0-29-000-000-009.001001-0009148-0025 | BARKER, CHARLES E. & GEORGIA A. | 29-26-30- 8.24 | 2023 | 267.15 |
2024 | 272.79 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S 871' OF E 500' SE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 539.94 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-9.0-32-003-001-002.003001-0009250-0075 | HAVENAR, DAVID WESLEY | 32-26-30- 2.09 | 2023 | 963.69 |
2024 | 835.59 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 868' S & 1120.77' W NE COR SW1/4 N 434' E 200.74' TO POB AKA TRACT 6 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1799.28 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-9.0-32-003-001-002.006001-0009250-0150 | HAVENAR, DAVID WESLEY | 32-26-30- 2.09 | 2023 | 288.94 |
2024 | 251.48 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR NE1/4 SW1/4 S 868' W 1120.77' TO POB W200.74' N 434' E 200.74' S 434' TO POB TRACT 5 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 540.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-9.0-32-003-001-026.000001-0009286-0000 | KELLY, TREVER E. | 32-26-30- 4.70 | 2023 | 943.29 |
2024 | 817.94 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1761.23 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 11-8.0-33-000-000-006.001001-0009308-0025 | HERSEY, DAVID A. | 33-26-30- 38.90 | 2023 | 1305.25 |
2024 | 1131.28 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2436.53 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-2.0-09-000-000-019.004001-0009510-0125 | DOUGLAS, TRACY J. & JEAN M. | 9-26-31- 0.46 | 2023 | 597.58 |
2024 | 519.54 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 363' W NW COR LOT 7 SHERPERD S 150' W 132.58'N 150' E 132.58' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1117.12 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-2.0-09-000-000-008.000001-0009534-0000 | KISSEL, MATTHEW STEVEN | 9-26-31- 20.84 | 2023 | 516.37 |
2024 | 449.12 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG SE COR W 610.05' TO POB W 213.95' N 150' W 273.05' N 1175.24' E 1101.56' S 578.37' W 609.71' S 135.73' W 181.92' S 288.30' E 168.79 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 965.49 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-2.0-09-000-000-008.002001-0009534-0050 | KISSEL, MATTHEW STEVEN | 9-26-31- 0.36 | 2023 | 26.75 |
2024 | 24.55 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 824' W OF INTER E LN & RD N 130' W 120' S 130' E 120' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 51.30 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-2.0-09-000-000-008.001001-0009534-0500 | KISSEL, MATTHEW STEVEN | 9-26-31- 1.15 | 2023 | 181.06 |
2024 | 158.37 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG SE COR W 610.05' N 333.56' TO POB W 168.79' N 288.30' S 85* E 181.92' S 281.08' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 339.43 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-1.0-12-000-000-015.000001-0009592-0000 | BROWN, CHRISTOPHER ANDREW | 12-26-31- 3.70 | 2023 | 1467.21 |
2024 | 1273.67 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 NE1/4 BEG 400' N & 32.5' W SE COR N 200'W 830' S 200' E 830' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2740.88 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-6.0-13-000-000-001.003001-0009620-0075 | JENNINGS, ANTHONY & LOUISE & | 13-26-31- 20.10 | 2023 | 1937.81 |
2024 | 1681.77 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR NE1/4 S 655.42' W 1329.47' N 655.42' E1329.43' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3619.58 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-6.0-13-000-000-010.001001-0009626-0025 | WHITE, TERRY JR. | 13-26-31- 1.51 | 2023 | 613.54 |
2024 | 533.39 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 SE1/4 BEG SE COR W 164' TO POB N 330' W 212' S 330' E 212' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1146.93 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-6.0-14-000-000-007.000001-0009670-0000 | DANIELS, CURTIS | 14-26-31- 27.76 | 2023 | 1292.96 |
2024 | 1122.57 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT W1/2 SE1/4 BEG SE COR S 88* W 659.30' N 2082.30' S 53* E 822.34' S 1569.85' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2415.53 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-4.0-17-000-000-010.000001-0009722-0000 | FORBES, CHRISTOPHER TODD | 17-26-31- 50.56 | 2023 | 2645.34 |
2024 | 2295.33 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 SW1/4 & E1/4 NW1/4 SW1/4 & N 50' W3/4 NW1/4SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4940.67 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-4.0-17-000-000-004.000001-0009726-0050 | RENFRO, JESSE R. | 17-26-31- 4.50 | 2023 | 666.60 |
2024 | 579.41 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SW COR N 396.15' TO POB N 539.96' N 89* E 394.91' S 564.43' N 87* W 395.3' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1246.01 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-4.0-19-000-000-002.007001-0009748-0180 | TERRY, DONALD & ELIZABETH J. | 19-26-31- 3.23 | 2023 | 220.03 |
2024 | 192.15 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 NE1/4 BEG NE COR S 1321' W 660.50' W 450.21' TO POB W 208.94' S 669.15' E 208.94' N 667.56' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 412.18 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-4.0-20-000-000-006.024001-0009786-0240 | BRADFORD, MARK A. & AMANDA G. | 20-26-31- 5.37 | 2023 | 2547.11 |
2024 | 2210.15 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NW COR SE1/4 NFW1/4 E 955.50' TO POB E 351.04' S 667.35' W 534.49' N 7* W 11.03' N 53* E 39.28 N 68* E 164.36' N 574.46' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4757.26 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-5.0-22-000-000-002.000001-0009828-0000 | RICKMAN, EVELYN | 22-26-31- 3.00 | 2023 | 165.75 |
2024 | 145.07 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 W1/2 NE1/4 BEG NE COR S 630' W 210' N 630' E 210' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 310.82 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-6.0-24-000-000-004.000001-0009872-0000 | COLLINSWORTH, GLADYS | 24-26-31- 1.98 | 2023 | 190.51 |
2024 | 166.54 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 1100.58' W SE COR SE1/4 W 362.83' N 2* E 240.21' E 362.84' S 2* W 240.33' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 357.05 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-6.0-24-000-000-004.001001-0009872-0025 | CLOUSE, JEFFERY & TERRA | 24-26-31- 69.66 | 2023 | 1059.10 |
2024 | 919.77 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 SE1/4 EX N 10A SE1/4 SE1/4 EX PT S1/2 SE1/4 LY S & E OF HWY & EX BEG 1100.58' W SE COR SE1/4 W362.83' N 2* E 240.21' E 362.84' S 2* W 240.33' TO | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1978.87 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-9.0-29-000-000-003.000001-0010014-0000 | BURGESS, LANI LE ANN & MARK | 29-26-31- 2.37 | 2023 | 1428.02 |
2024 | 1241.26 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG NW COR E 448.35' TO POB E 299.37' S 356.18' W 305.74' N 356.24' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2669.28 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-9.0-29-000-000-003.002001-0010014-0050 | BURGESS, LANI LE ANN & MARK | 29-26-31- 13.13 | 2023 | 297.19 |
2024 | 259.38 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG NW COR E 747.72' TO POB E 567.90' S 803.80' W 867.23' N 444.84' E 305.74' N 356.18' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 556.57 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-9.0-30-000-000-015.000001-0010056-0000 | SNYDER, ROBERT L. JR | 30-26-31- 3.70 | 2023 | 1334.29 |
2024 | 1159.87 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 BEG 726' W SE COR W 525' N 324.24' E 525' S 342.24' POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2494.16 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-9.0-30-000-000-014.007001-0010058-0135 | LINK, JOHN DAVID & JOANNE | 30-26-31- 2.25 | 2023 | 124.74 |
2024 | 109.62 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 BEG SE COR W 233.33' TO POB W 233.33' N 1618' E 233.33' S 1618' TO POB EX N 808.82' & EX S404.41' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 234.36 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-9.0-30-000-000-014.009001-0010058-0175 | LINK, JOHN DAVID & JOANNE | 30-26-31- 2.23 | 2023 | 123.94 |
2024 | 108.96 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 BEG SE COR W 466.8' TO POB W 233.4' N 1618' E 233.4' S 1618' TO POB EX N 808.82' & EX S 404.41' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 232.90 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-9.0-30-000-000-006.001001-0010062-0025 | ANDERSON, DAVID | 30-26-31- 6.97 | 2023 | 2310.73 |
2024 | 2007.69 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 786.62' N & 421.88' E SW COR SW1/4 NW1/4 E 421.88' S 790.12' W 417.39' N 789.35' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4318.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 10-8.0-33-000-000-003.002001-0010156-0050 | LOVINS, SHAUN & LINDA LINDSAY | 33-26-31- 5.00 | 2023 | 392.47 |
2024 | 342.11 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT N1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 BEG NW COR E 655.45' TO POB E330.06' S 659.70' W 330.06' N 660.16' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 734.58 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-2.0-03-000-000-004.005001-0010258-0125 | MCCOY, RONNIE K. & STACY L. | 3-26-32- 2.49 | 2023 | 2407.37 |
2024 | 2085.67 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 440' N & 285.33' E SW COR SW1/4 N 310.35' E 282.11' S 69.34' CURVE TO E OF POB W TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4493.04 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-2.0-04-000-000-002.008001-0010260-0175 | SUFFECOOL, ROBERT | 4-26-32- 4.73 | 2023 | 273.73 |
2024 | 238.35 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR NE1/4 N 15' E 483.45' N 891.63' TO POBN 413.63' E 515.57' S 7*W 141.45' S 269.73' W 498.34' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 512.08 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-2.0-04-000-000-015.000001-0010268-0000 | CAUBLE, SUSETTE | 4-26-32- 37.01 | 2023 | 251.47 |
2024 | 219.08 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SW1/4 EX PT NW1/4 SW1/4 BEG NW COR E 674.05' S 265' W 674.05' N 265' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 470.55 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-3.0-05-000-000-019.001001-0010288-0030 | NELSON, KONRAD D. & NOLA C. | 5-26-32- 15.92 | 2023 | 1147.09 |
2024 | 994.51 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG CTR SEC N 1327.8' E 657.15' S 1746.05' NW 660.93' N 351.12' TO POB EX 20' X 375' W SD NE1/4 SW1/4 N OF HWY EX PT LOT 1 NE FRL4 BEG SW COR N 643.83 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2141.60 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-3.0-06-000-000-012.011001-0010326-0180 | LAND GO PROPERTIES, LLC | 6-26-32- 5.92 | 2023 | 628.81 |
2024 | 546.55 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR SW1/4 N 663.50' S 71* E 200.76' S 29* W 1000.92' W 1200' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1175.36 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-3.0-08-000-000-008.001001-0010454-0025 | BELL, LANCE & CYNTHIA | 8-26-32- 2.82 | 2023 | 3012.66 |
2024 | 2613.45 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 LY W RD EX W 759.22' & EX S30' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 5626.11 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-2.0-10-000-000-017.001001-0010520-0025 | BRASIER, RICK R. & LAURA | 10-26-32- 1.04 | 2023 | 76.25 |
2024 | 67.37 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 N1/2 S1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 EX W 528' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 143.62 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-2.0-10-000-000-017.002001-0010520-0050 | BRASIER, RICK R. & LAURA | 10-26-32- 4.01 | 2023 | 260.37 |
2024 | 226.79 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W 528' OF W1/2 N1/2 S1/2 NE1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 487.16 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-2.0-10-000-000-031.001001-0010536-0025 | DRAKE, MICHAEL CRAIG | 10-26-32- 7.85 | 2023 | 950.55 |
2024 | 824.33 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SE1/4 SE1/4 EX W 604.56' & EX BEG SW CORSE1/4 SE1/4 E 848.98' TO POB N12* W 126.22' N69* E 422.03' N71* E 99.54' ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1774.88 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-1.0-12-000-000-001.000001-0010560-0000 | BECKHAM, RICHARD R. & RITA J. | 12-26-32- 137.64 | 2023 | 1749.76 |
2024 | 1518.69 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NE1/4 NE1/4 & N1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 & S1/2 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3268.45 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-6.0-14-000-000-011.000001-0010628-0000 | SCHOTTER, EVAN | 14-26-32- 1.00 | 2023 | 127.45 |
2024 | 111.87 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SE COR E1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 N 875.36' TO POB W 223.58' N 222.93' E 216.17' S 218.86' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 239.32 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-17-000-000-057.000001-0010726-0000 | FORTENBAUGH, KEITH L. | 17-26-32- 1.66 | 2023 | 1194.88 |
2024 | 1037.34 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 S1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 EX BEG NW COR S1/2 NE1/4 NE1/4 E 1095.37' S 135.98' W 281.75' S 204.26' W 859.25' N 334.39' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2232.22 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-17-000-000-004.005001-0010730-0045 | AVILES, DANIEL & WHITMIRE-AVILES, K | 17-26-32- 1.97 | 2023 | 1125.74 |
2024 | 977.41 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG N1/2 COR E 711.32' S 50' TO POB S 325' W 300'N 209.78' N 54* E 201.68' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2103.15 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-17-000-000-022.000001-0010802-0000 | UITTS, JAMES IVON JR. | 17-26-32- 0.90 | 2023 | 138.91 |
2024 | 121.77 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
1A IN SW COR SW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 260.68 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-17-000-000-048.001001-0010810-0025 | ADAMSON, JAMES N. | 17-26-32- 0.95 | 2023 | 93.73 |
2024 | 82.61 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 280' E NW COR NW1/4 SE1/4 S 100' W 215' N 100' E 215' TO POB & E 25' OF S 767.81' OF W 280' NW1/4 SE1/4 LY N OF HWY | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 176.34 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-17-000-000-033.001001-0010828-0025 | FOUR STATE CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATE | 17-26-32- 8.29 | 2023 | 2957.76 |
2024 | 3810.13 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 446.2' W SE COR W1/2 SE1/4 N 1333.2' ANGLE 117* 412.8' 62* RIGHT 1155.45' 68* RIGHT 401' TO POBEX BEG 446.2' W SE COR ETC | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 6767.89 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-18-000-000-026.000001-0010904-0000 | HODGES, JOSEPHINE ANN | 18-26-32- 0.61 | 2023 | 252.29 |
2024 | 220.09 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR SE1/4 NW1/4 S 228.67' W 176.60' N 228.67' E 176.60' TO POB EX BEG NE COR SE1/4 NW1/4 S 194.67' TO POB S 34' W 176.60' N 38' E 176.60' TO PO | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 472.38 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-19-000-000-002.001001-0010954-0025 | GUNLOCK SHEET METAL, INC. | 19-26-32- 0.70 | 2023 | 1736.56 |
2024 | 1506.86 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG 172.84' S NW COR E 251.9' S 138.61' W 251.9' N 136.90' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3243.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-4.0-19-000-000-002.002001-0010954-0050 | GUNLOCK, KENDALL R. & SHEILA K. | 19-26-32- 2.05 | 2023 | 2154.27 |
2024 | 1869.19 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR NW1/4 NE1/4 E 711.73' N 193.65' W 229.63' S 4* W 145.06' W 472.71' S 50' TO POB EX W 35' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4023.46 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-5.0-21-000-000-001.002001-0011056-0050 | VANCE, FRANK W. & VIVIAN J. TRUST | 21-26-32- 1.20 | 2023 | 349.37 |
2024 | 304.22 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 210' OF NE1/4 NE1/4 LY N OF RD | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 653.59 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-5.0-21-000-000-007.001001-0011084-0025 | ARMSTRONG, STEVEN T. | 21-26-32- 5.92 | 2023 | 2227.79 |
2024 | 1932.93 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR SW1/4 NW1/4 S 567' W 485' N 567' E 485' TO POB EX E 30' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4160.72 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-5.0-21-000-000-011.000001-0011096-0000 | LEWIS, WILLIAM R. | 21-26-32- 1.30 | 2023 | 1132.87 |
2024 | 983.58 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 15.4' S & 657' SW NE COR NE1/4 SW1/4 NW 326.7' SW 200' SE 326.7' NE 200' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2116.45 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-5.0-21-000-000-015.000001-0011104-0000 | FROSSARD, JOHN R. | 21-26-32- 39.70 | 2023 | 1133.75 |
2024 | 984.35 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2118.10 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-6.0-24-000-000-006.001001-0011210-0025 | HER, THAI | 24-26-32- 21.35 | 2023 | 55.81 |
2024 | 49.80 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR SW1/4 N 1603.29' E 117.29' S 193.40' E458.66' SW 76.53' E 617.22' S 50.11' W 347.70' S 720.92' W 687.68' S 594.4' W TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 105.61 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-25-000-000-007.003001-0011238-0030 | CONNER, JIMMY J. & RUTH | 25-26-32- 35.62 | 2023 | 194.04 |
2024 | 169.80 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 785.05' N & 982.43' W SE COR W1/2 SE1/4 N 76*W 163.88' N 71* W 307.4' N 67* W 81.2' N 71* W 151.86' W 436.66' S 87* W 519.13' S 18* E 1036.37' E | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 363.84 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-26-000-000-001.000001-0011252-0000 | HER, THAI | 26-26-32- 14.10 | 2023 | 26.29 |
2024 | 24.15 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 3/4 N1/2 NE1/4 LY N OF RR | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 50.44 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-8.0-27-000-000-027.000001-0011272-0000 | JOHNSON, DAVID MICHAEL | 27-26-32- 4.40 | 2023 | 211.70 |
2024 | 185.08 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 396.78 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-8.0-27-000-000-026.000001-0011274-0000 | JOHNSON, DAVID M. | 27-26-32- 4.40 | 2023 | 1373.31 |
2024 | 1193.31 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 SW1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2566.62 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-9.0-30-000-000-013.000001-0011432-0000 | COX, STEVE & MELISSA | 30-26-32- 15.30 | 2023 | 4248.48 |
2024 | 3684.95 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 EX BEG 329.72' S NW COR E 660.50' S 329.72' W 660.50' N 329.72' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 7933.43 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-9.0-31-000-000-016.000001-0011478-0000 | PAYTON, JERRY D. | 31-26-32- 1.40 | 2023 | 235.45 |
2024 | 205.49 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SE1/4 NW1/4 BEG 125' S NE COR W 330' S 210' E 330' N 210' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 440.94 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-9.0-32-000-000-003.000001-0011496-0500 | SCHULZ, NATHANIEL & LINDSEY | 32-26-32- 4.34 | 2023 | 901.30 |
2024 | 783.62 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
5A OUT CENTER N SD NW1/4 NW1/4 DESC AS BEG 418' ENW COR E 321.57' S 612.91' S 41* W 10.24' W 307.01' N 201.52' E 8.5' N 418' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1684.92 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-9.0-32-000-000-006.012001-0011498-0195 | TERRAZAS, JOSE & TAMMY | 32-26-32- 5.01 | 2023 | 1042.09 |
2024 | 905.82 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 661.39' N & 660.26' E SW COR SE1/4 SW1/4 N 330.72' E 660.2' S 330.71' W 661.01' TO POB & EASEMENT AKA TRACT 7 & 8 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1947.91 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-8.0-33-000-000-015.002001-0011532-0050 | GARDNER, JOSHUA A. & ELISABETH G. | 33-26-32- 1.76 | 2023 | 926.53 |
2024 | 805.52 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 230' E SW COR SW1/4 SW1/4 N 440.40' E 182.02'S 440.40' W 182' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1732.05 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-8.0-34-000-000-016.000001-0011566-0500 | CONNESS, DAVID L. & DEANNA L. | 34-26-32- 6.50 | 2023 | 505.96 |
2024 | 440.46 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 S1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 NW1/4 & W 178' E1/2 S1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 NW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 946.42 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-8.0-34-000-000-025.000001-0011576-0000 | COLE, DAVID & COURI | 34-26-32- 16.70 | 2023 | 2037.66 |
2024 | 1769.92 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 SW1/4 BEG NW COR S 408.40' TO POB E 1322.20' S 579.95' W 1322.20' N 579.95' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 3807.58 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-35-000-000-029.000001-0011608-0565 | REYNOLDS, RUSSELL E. | 35-26-32- 0.46 | 2023 | 894.11 |
2024 | 777.68 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 763.86' W & 809.10' S NE COR NE1/4 SE1/4 N 49* W 201.61' N 40* E 100' S 49* E 201.61' S 40* W 100' TO POB & EASEMENT | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1671.79 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-35-000-000-020.000001-0011610-0000 | MCCANN, CLIFFORD | 35-26-32- 3.60 | 2023 | 1404.37 |
2024 | 1220.73 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
N 200' OF S 425' OF E 792.5' NE1/4 SE1/4 EX W 40' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2625.10 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-35-000-000-005.001001-0011634-0025 | DINIUS, RYAN L. | 35-26-32- 3.21 | 2023 | 949.20 |
2024 | 800.92 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 247.07' S NW COR W1/2 N1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 E 661.64' S 213.08' W 661.43' N TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1750.12 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-35-000-000-006.000001-0011638-0000 | CULLERS, KAREN MACHELLE | 35-26-32- 3.21 | 2023 | 333.43 |
2024 | 290.83 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 406.15' S NW COR W1/2 N1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 E 661.43' S 230.46' W 661.21' N 230.08' TO POB EX E 283.62' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 624.26 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-35-000-000-016.000001-0011646-0000 | PAYTON, BOB G. & SHIRLEY | 35-26-32- 40.60 | 2023 | 507.46 |
2024 | 441.94 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SW1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 949.40 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 09-7.0-36-000-000-023.003001-0011704-0075 | PAGE, CHAD | 36-26-32- 2.52 | 2023 | 2281.62 |
2024 | 1982.44 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 472.99' W OF SE COR SE1/4 SE1/4 W 375.38' N 16* E 150.67' N 17* E 231.51' N 11* E 79.31' TO INTERS S 88* E 83.39' S71* E 105.23' S 60* E 73.01' S | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4264.06 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-1.0-01-000-000-004.000001-0011712-0500 | EZELL, LAUREN & BRAD | 1-26-33- 10.41 | 2023 | 1073.36 |
2024 | 930.53 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 491.13' W SE COR NW1/4 NE1/4 W 327.42' N 1341.12' E 327.42' S 1337.87' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2003.89 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-1.0-02-000-000-020.007001-0011748-0125 | STIVER, MATTHEW | 2-26-33- 1.00 | 2023 | 564.51 |
2024 | 490.04 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR NE1/4 N 237.46' N 85* E 251.61' TO POBN 85* E 373.96' N 30* W 135.56' S 88* W 303.35' S137.51' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1054.55 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-1.0-02-000-000-014.000001-0011790-0000 | WALKER, RONALD D. & DENISE M. | 2-26-33- 11.59 | 2023 | 2546.95 |
2024 | 2206.18 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT E1/2 SE1/4 BEG SW COR E1/2 SE1/4 E 492.01' NWLY 1739.66' W 63.67' S 1654.6' TO POB EX S 50' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 4753.13 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-2.0-03-000-000-010.000001-0011872-0000 | ELLIS, DAWN L. & DONALD | 3-26-33- 2.00 | 2023 | 271.87 |
2024 | 236.70 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SW1/4 BEG SE COR N 207.66' TO POB W 190'N 455' E 190' S 455' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 508.57 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-2.0-03-000-000-017.000001-0011874-0000 | GLAZE, STEVEN C. & RHONDA J. | 3-26-33- 58.58 | 2023 | 345.67 |
2024 | 300.59 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E1/2 SE1/4 EX W1/2 S1/2 E1/2 SE1/4 & EX E1/2 W1/2SE1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 646.26 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-2.0-04-000-000-043.000001-0011880-0000 | L.R.W HOLDINGS, LLC | 4-26-33- 2.35 | 2023 | 656.54 |
2024 | 569.71 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
W1/2 S1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 EX W 20' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1226.25 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-2.0-04-000-000-042.001001-0011882-0025 | VOLKMAN, BRENDA | 4-26-33- 2.00 | 2023 | 1549.23 |
2024 | 1342.49 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S 270' OF W 343' SE1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 EX W 20' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2891.72 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-2.0-10-000-000-039.001001-0012274-0025 | REED, WILLY & SHAWNA | 10-26-33- 3.29 | 2023 | 443.77 |
2024 | 385.52 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PRT SE1/4 NE1/4 NW1/4 BEG SE COR W 218.17' N 660.81' E 219.12' S 660.73' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 829.29 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-2.0-10-003-002-001.000001-0012304-0000 | DOBSON, ROBERT C. & MARSHA K. | 10-26-33- 8.20 | 2023 | 1604.81 |
2024 | 1390.60 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG NE COR SE1/4 SW1/4 S 89* W 30' TO POB S 460' S 89* W 949.10' N 460' N 89* E 950.60' TO POB EX LOT 3 BLK B BITTICK | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2995.41 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-1.0-11-000-000-004.000001-0012340-0000 | STEELE, CATHY MARIE | 11-26-33- 2.60 | 2023 | 1385.98 |
2024 | 1201.16 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NW1/4 NE1/4 BEG NE COR W 303.84' S 24* E 189.9' S 17* E 132.9' S 22* E 163.48' S 30* E 66.04' S 48* E 46.26' S 61* E 57.98' E 4.7' N 566.2' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 2587.14 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-6.0-13-000-000-037.000001-0012472-0000 | TRACY, MICHELLE | 13-26-33- 6.65 | 2023 | 396.71 |
2024 | 345.30 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG SW COR NE1/4 SW1/4 N 922.32' TO POB E 670.44'N ALG CRV 65' W 669.77' S 65' TO POB & BEG 1268.16' S NW COR SE1/4 NW1/4 E 704.70' SW 152.38' S 1* E | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 742.01 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-6.0-13-000-000-037.002001-0012472-0550 | SOARD, LINDA L. | 13-26-33- 1.87 | 2023 | 969.84 |
2024 | 842.23 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT NE1/4 SW1/4 BEG 343.90' N SW COR N 189' E 524.84' S 32* W 177' S 16* W 49.40' W 415.04' TO POB EX E 25' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1812.07 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-6.0-13-000-000-044.000001-0012486-0531 | BOX, GERALD & RICHARD & MARSHA | 13-26-33- 5.80 | 2023 | 415.27 |
2024 | 361.40 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
S1/2 E1/2 N1/2 NW1/4 SE1/4 EX EASEMENT | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 776.67 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-5.0-15-000-000-011.000001-0012564-0500 | ROBINSON, TRENT V. & PAULA K. | 15-26-33- 10.05 | 2023 | 54.79 |
2024 | 48.84 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
E 10A SE1/4 SW1/4 | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 103.63 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-4.0-20-000-000-027.000001-0012738-0000 | PENCE, RAY L. & LINDA C. | 20-26-33- 0.40 | 2023 | 36.54 |
2024 | 32.98 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
NW1/4 SE1/4 LY E OF HWY C EX S 900' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 69.52 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-4.0-20-000-000-031.003001-0012742-0515 | HAWKINS, BRADLEY & HOLLY MARIE | 20-26-33- 2.92 | 2023 | 208.44 |
2024 | 181.80 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG 568' N SW COR SE1/4 N 300' E 424' S 300' W 424' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 390.24 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-4.0-20-000-000-031.005001-0012742-0530 | HAWKINS, BRADLEY & HOLLY MARIE | 20-26-33- 0.69 | 2023 | 1035.99 |
2024 | 898.18 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
PT SW1/4 SE1/4 BEG 568' N & 424' E SW COR E 100' N 300' W 100' S 300' TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1934.17 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-5.0-21-000-000-013.000001-0012786-0000 | VIRGIN, DEREK & KACY | 21-26-33- 1.30 | 2023 | 130.30 |
2024 | 114.16 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
BEG 43 1/5 RDS N SE COR SE1/4 W 80 RDS N 43 1/5 RDS E 80 RDS S 43 1/5 RDS EX BEG 1425.73' N & 35.89' W SE COR S 361.75' W 656.18' N 362.57' E 655.73' | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 244.46 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-5.0-21-000-000-011.001001-0012790-0025 | OGLE, SETH S. | 21-26-33- 2.85 | 2023 | 768.57 |
2024 | 666.69 |
Legal | Pub Fee | 0.00 |
SW1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4 EX N 395.9' & EX BEG 25' N & 25' W SE COR W 203.12' N 214.45' E 203.12' S 214.45'TO POB | Lien Fee | 0.00 |
Total Taxes & Fees: | 1435.26 |
Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions, of record. |
Pub No. | Parcel Account# |
Name | SEC-TWN-RNG-ACRES | Year | Taxes |
0 SALE | 08-6.0-23-000-000-015.002001-0012828-0050 | HAMILTON, LINDA GUARDIAN OF | 23-26-33- 1.89 | 2023 | 188.53 |